El Dorado County Fire Safe Council
May 23, 2007
1:00 p.m. - 3:00 p.m.
Gold Hill Fire Station, 6051 Gold Hill Road
The meeting was called to order by Vicki Yorty at approximately 1:00 p.m.
Directors and guests present were: Bob Berry, Bill Cave (Director),
Mary Cornelison (Director),
Janet Gastaldi (Director), Ray Griffiths (Vice-Chair),
Penny Humphreys (Chair), Joan Jennings
(Treasurer), Patrick McDaniel, Gene Murphy (Director),
Barbara Rebiskie, Jim Stewart (Director),
Walt Tyler (Secretary), Dave Crespo, Scott Flake, Lorelei Soria,
Mike Reeves, Pat Johnson, David
Jaramillo, Chris Anthony, Kathy Ince.
Those present introduced themselves.
Mary Cornelison proposed a motion to approve the agenda as submitted. Second
by Penny Humphreys. Approved by all present.
A motion was proposed by Penny Humphreys to approve the minutes as submitted with
the spelling correction of the name Edlvnd to Edlund. Second by Ray Griffiths. Approved by all present.
Penny Humphreys gave a review of the EDCFSC BOD meeting held prior to the EDCFSC
meeting. (See minutes EDCFSC BOD 5-23-07)
Scott Flake presented an overview of the proposed hydroelectric project to be
built above the American River near Camino. Included was an overview of SMUD/El Dorado County
Cooperative Agreement. The proposed project is designed for the pumping and power producing
facilities to be underground. The facility is designed to produce power, as needed using water
that can be recycled as necessary. The underground plans were designed due to limited above
ground space and the steep terrain above the river.
Barbara Rebiskie reported that USFS is already "maxed out" due to extremely
dry conditions. Crews have already been sent to other states. Two helicopters have been added
this year. Two lookouts have been opened. Fire danger is above historical levels.
Chris Anthony advised that Cal Fire is getting geared up due to early fire
danger. He predicted that all burning would be closed out during mid June. Emphasis is being made
when approving plans for residential development to assure that roads and availability of water
necessary for fire control are included.
Patrick reported that $425,000 of Community Assistance Grants have been encumbered.
Included is $50,000 for Gold Bug Park.
EID is continuing expanding fuel breaks. They plan to use spraying to reduce
and maintain areas already cleared.
Bob Berry reported that the fly over maps could be available within a couple of months.
Janet reported that she and others are busy making Defensible Space visits.
There is a need for Senior/Disabled Assistance Program help in the area. Vicki indicated that she
hopes the funding to start the program will be available by July.
Penny stated that the green waste dumpsters are working well in the Rescue area.
Mary reported on activities and meetings within the Volcanoville area. Defensible
Space consultations are expected to start soon. Most of the missing street signs have been located
and returned. She is not aware of any arrests related to the stolen signs.
Gene reported on the Cameron Park CWPP and the Logtown plan.
David Jaramillo described Firewise progress within the various communities.
Bill Cave reported that current research indicates that Auburn Lake Trails is
100% in compliance with Firewise standards and State fire laws. They have been working towards this
goal for the past four years.
Vicki reported that chipping has been somewhat slower this year than previously.
Dumpsters are doing well and about half of the grant has been used. She has plans to update the
fire prevention video. She has made some changes of internal processing of administrative
activities to streamline and reduce workload. Things are working better.
Submitted by Walt Tyler, Secretary EDCFSC