El Dorado County Fire Safe Council Board of Directors Meeting
May 23, 2007
Gold Hills Fire Station, 11 a.m. - 12 p.m.
The meeting was called to order by Penny Humphreys at approximately 11:00 a.m.
Directors and guests present were: Walt Tyler (Secretary), Jim Stewart, Ray Griffiths
(Vice-Chair), Lori Tuthill, Bill Cave, Joan Jennings (Treasurer), Janet Gastaldi,
Mary Cornelison, Vicki Yorty (Executive Coordinator), Walt Graves.
A motion was proposed by Lori Tuthill to approve the agenda as submitted.
Second by Ray Griffiths. Approved by all present.
A motion was proposed by Lori Tuthill to approve the minutes of 4-25-07 as
submitted, Second by Ray Griffiths. Approved by all present.
Joan Jennings gave the Treasurer's report. Grant funds have been received.
Finances are in good shape. A written report is available for those requesting.
Gene Murphy gave a required review of the Cameron Park CWPP. It was the first
external review. He referred to a variety of documents prepared by BLM and other agencies. The
Cameron Park area represents 6,000 lots. The document represents many hours of research and
development by Gene and members of the community. The plan requires signatures of review by various
agencies with final approval by the Cameron Park Community Services District. The EDCFSC BOD
complements Gene for his extensive efforts to develop and present the document.
Ray Griffiths proposed a motion to submit a letter to BLM to confirm that
the Cameron Park CWPP has been reviewed by the EDCFSC BOD with no recommended changes. Second by
Joan Jennings. Approved by all present.
Vicki reported her research of the by-laws regarding length of time Directors can
be in office. Her handout explained her recommendations. The primary issue is the length of time
Directors can hold executive office or be Directors. It was decided that Directors should not be
restricted to a two-year term. Executive officers should only hold office for two years. Vicki will
bring back draft of recommendations for review. This will require a change of by-laws and procedure
must be followed.
Lori reported on the Nomination Committee of Officers. Elections will be held during
the June meeting.
Vicki reviewed events regarding the Defensible Space Coordinator for the Georgetown
area. She presented an MOU explaining reimbursement to Fire Districts for Defensible Space services.
The available funding is based upon the grant proposal that has been approved to provide the funds.
Vicki will have access to the grant funds effective 6-1-07.
Ray Griffiths proposed a motion to adopt the MOU describing disbursement of
funds by EDCFSC for reimbursement of Defensible Space services by participating Fire Districts. Second
by Jim Stewart. Approved by all present.
Vicki stated that document has been signed and submitted to EDC and funds should be
available by 6-1-07. She has passed over paperwork for the Chipping Program to Char (her assistant)
and everything seems to be going well even though chipping has slowed down temporarily. She has no
plans to start the Senior Assistance/Disabled Program until funds are in hand. Penny reported that
the green waste dumpsters are now being covered. The dumpster program is working very well and there
are plans to expand the use of the dumpsters.
Submitted by Walt Tyler, Secretary EDCFSC