El Dorado County Fire Safe Council
April 25, 2007
1:00 p.m. - 3:00 p.m.
Gold Hill Fire Station, 6051 Gold Hill Road
The meeting was called to order by Vicki Yorty, Executive Coordinator, at approximately
1:00 p.m. Introductions were made. Members and guests present were: Walt Tyler (Secretary), Cheryl
Edlvnd, Bill Robinson, Bill Cave (Director), Pat Johnson, Bill Brandt, Mac McClung, Ed and Audry
Pomato, David Jaromillo, Gene Murphy (Director), Joan Jennings (Treasurer), Ray Griffiths
(Vice Chair), Penny Humphreys (Chair), Janet Gastaldi (Director),
Mary Cornelison (Director), Jana
Newman (Consultant), Bob Berry, Tobie Edmands.
A motion was proposed by Penny Humphreys to approve the agenda as submitted.
Second by Mary Cornelison. Approved by all present.
A motion was proposed by Penny Humphreys to approve the February 28, 2007
minutes as submitted. Second by Ray Griffiths. Approved by all present.
Penny reported on the BOD meeting. A nominating committee of Ray Griffiths and
Lori Tuthill was formed to nominate officers for the up coming year. There is some confusion
regarding term limits that may require changes in the by laws. Nametags were passed out for
Directors and are available for Defensible Space advisors. Volunteers are needed for the Home
and Garden Show. There is a Garden Tour May 20. Wild Fire Prevention Week will start May 7th.
Joan gave the Treasurer report and passed out the Project Tracking Summary.
Vicki commented that the report might be somewhat confusing since projects may not close out within
the fiscal year.
Vicki asked for ideas on how to get more information from local FSC to put on
web sites. Grizzly Flats FSC is already putting a lot of information on the web. Items of interest
should be referred to Rich and he will put information on the EDCFSC web.
Bob Berry reported that the new photography GPS maps are now being processed for
availability. The maps should be available soon for grant requests.
Vicki and Rich noted that Allen Jaeger had become an excellent grant writer and
was responsible for approximately $400,000 in grants for the Logtown area.
Tobie Edmonds reported that at the Cammeron Park Fire Station on May 7th, 2:00 p.m.
- 6:00 p.m. Cal Fire will kick off Wildfire Awareness Week. Booths will be available and FSCs are
invited. There will be yard maintenance equipment give away and raffles.
Mary Cornelison reported that every one is ready to start evaluations in the
Volcanoville area.
Demonstration lots in the Volcanoville area have been difficult to maintain
primarily due to the abundance of rain during the past two years.
Walt reported that the signs are up on the demonstration lots at Grizzly Flats.
Letters to approve evacuation route clearing are being sent this week.
Bill Robinson reported that the recent property owners meeting to discuss evacuation
routes and defensible space was successful.
Bill Brandt reported that the chipping at Auburn Lake Trails was successful.
Green waste dumpsters worked out well.
Mac McClung reported the things are starting slow in the Texas Hill area developing
fire safe interests.
Ed and Audry Pomato are hopeful that the meeting scheduled for next Saturday for
Outingdale/Sandridge will be productive and a large number of residents will attend. Outingdale has
been slow to support a FSC.
Rich reported on the progress of organizing the FSC at Logtown. It appears positive.
Gene Murphy is helping the Logtown residents prepare a CWPP for the area. There
is a large amount of BLM land in the area that needs to be involved. Gene is also working with the
Cammeron Park residents preparing their CWPP.
Joan reported that the Garden Valley meeting was successful. Use of the green
waste dumpsters is picking up. The Fire Chief has applied for a grant for street signs and a sign
to notify the public of FSC meetings. Vicki has provided a red flag that can be put up on days of
extreme fire danger. Defensible Space advice participants are ready to start as weather permits. A
radio station in Georgetown has indicated support of the FSC efforts.
Penny reported on the success of the green waste dumpsters located at the Rescue
Fire Station. They are being filled every few days and replaced by empty containers. They are
located next to the firehouse and there has not been a problem with unacceptable items (appliances,
garbage) being placed in the dumpsters. She advised that funding for the Senior/Disabled Assistance
Program has been granted for the next two years. Referrals will be made through the local Fire Chief
and after review submitted to Jana or Vicki to submit to an appropriate contractor. Services should
be available during early summer.
Submitted by Walt Tyler, Secretary EDCFSC