El Dorado County Fire Safe Council Board of Directors Meeting
February 28, 2007
Gold Hills Fire Station, 11 a.m. - 12 p.m.
The meeting was called to order by Penny Humphreys, Chair, at approximately
11:00 a.m. Directors present were: Ray Griffiths (Vice Chair). Richard Englefield, Joan
Jennings (Treasurer), Bill Cave, Jim Stewart, Walt Tyler (Secretary), Gene Murphy,
Vicki Yorty (Executive Coordinator).
Ray Griffiths proposed a motion to approve the agenda as submitted, Second by
Rich Englefield Approved by all present.
Ray Griffiths proposed a motion to approve the January 24, 2007 minutes as
submitted. Second by Joan Jennings. Approved by all present.
Joan gave her report and finances are stable. The audit report with recommendations
has been received and distributed to all Board members.
Vicki was delayed so Penny asked for any Old Business that needed to be discussed.
Before and after photos of the Grizzly Flats demonstration lots were passed around. There were no
New Business comments.
Vicki gave an over view of funding from El Dorado County. Title III funds should
be received soon. Overall approval of funding was favorable. Chipper Program is funded and can start
up when weather permits. A homeowner with frontage on Sandridge Road refused to allow contract clearing
to 30 ft. into her property from the road. It amounted to 1/4 acre that couldn't be cleared. CDF
refused to pay the contractor for work that was not done. An adjustment to the contract had to be
made. The property owner had been advised that if she had issues and/or problems with the clearing,
she should discuss the issues with the project coordinator, not the contractor. The property owner
shut the contractor off. This was a Prop 40 (CDF) project. Discussion continued regarding how to
avoid a property owner changing their mind and refusing to allow contract clearing at the last
minute after agreeing to have the clearing done. All agreed that property owners should have a
reasonable period of time to rescind their approval prior to commencement of the contract. A
motion was proposed by Jim Stewart that future property owner consent letters for material
clearing and/or removal include a statement that the property owner agrees to change or to rescind
their consent no less than thirty (30) days prior to the commencement of the contract work.
Second by Bill Cave. Approved by all present.
Rich commented that five responses have been received from property owners
involved within the shaded fuel break proposal at Grizzly Flats. The proposal committee has met
and it was decided to break the project into four parts. Vicki estimates the project cost at $711,000.
Vicki reported that she has met with representatives of EDC Fire, CDF, USFS, regarding
Defensible Space. A result of the meeting was that all people who are hired for Defensible Space
education must be checked through Megan's Law and have a preliminary background check completed. The
EDC Sheriff Dept. can perform the needed checks. There may be a fee for their services. All present
indicated their support for Vicki to continue research and report back. Vicki also proposed that a
RFP be sent out for a Defensible Space Coordinator for the Georgetown area. She advised that CDF
intends to enforce the Defensible Space laws this summer.
The News Letter is ready to go to press. There will be 10,000 copies printed.
They will be ready for the Home and Garden Show. 3,000 copies are scheduled for mailing. Jim
Stewart proposed a motion to approve the News Letter for printing. Second by Ray Griffiths. Approved
by all present. Vicki reported that we have funding under the EDCAQMD for printing a second
newsletter sometime during the summer.
Jim Stewart stated that he had seen a sign indicating the green waste dumpsters
available at Rescue Fire House. Vicki stated that the dumpsters have been very successful. Jim is
trying to organize dumpsters for the Latrobe area. Success depends upon monitoring against abuse.
Rich reported that an application is being prepared for signature to submit for
Firewise Communities USA recognition of Grizzly Flats.
Vicki advised that the Interagency Conference would be held March 27 - 29 at Rancho
Cordova. She proposes that EDCFSC meetings for 3-28-07 be cancelled so those who desire can attend
the conference. All present agreed to cancel the meeting of the 28th.
Submitted by Walt Tyler, Secretary EDCFSC