El Dorado County Fire Safe Council Board of Directors Meeting
April 26, 2006
Gold Hill Fire Station, 6051 Gold Hill Road
10:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m.
The meeting was called to order by Penny Humphreys, Chairperson, at approximately
10:00 a.m. Directors and guest in attendance were: Bill Cave, Claire Cave, Mary Cornelison, Richard
Englefield, Janet Gastaldi, Allen Jaeger, Joan Jennings (Treasurer), Jim Stewart, Lori Tuthill,
Walt Tyler (Secretary), Vicki Yorty (Executive Coordinator).
Penny Humphries welcomed everyone and asked for additions or deletions of the
agenda and a motion to approve. Allen Jaeger asked that funding for starting up a satellite Fire Safe
Council be discussed. A motion was proposed by Mary Cornelison to approve the agenda with the added
discussion of funding as requested by Allen Jaeger. Second by Joan Jennings. Approved by all present.
Penny asked for a motion to approve the minutes of the 3-29-06 BOD meeting. Allen
Jaeger proposed a motion to approve the minutes of 3-29-06 as submitted. Second by Jim Stewart.
Approved by all present.
Rich Englefield reported that no Treasurer's report was available. He has been in
contact with Joan Jennings to discuss and transfer Treasurer records and materials to her. He described
a new camera located at the CDF headquarters at Camino. It is called "Skyhawk" and is used to
discover and locate smoke from fires. It is controlled by computer and it is possible for EDCFSC
web site to be receiving the camera transmissions. Rich requested funds for the equipment to access
the camera to add to our web site. Jim Stewart proposed a motion to approve up to $600.00 to be used
by Rich to purchase and implement necessary equipment to provide access to the Skyhawk camera for
the EDCFSC web site. Second by Janet Gastaldi. Approved by all present.
Vicki reported that the Chipper Program is up and working. Requests are being caught
up and additional requests are encouraged.
Vicki stated that she has been in contact with the Auditor and it is recommended that a
two year audit be conducted instead of an annual audit. Lori Tuthill proposed a motion to schedule
audits to be completed every two years. Second by Joan Jennings. Approved by all present.
Allen Jaeger reported that he had made all changes requested to the proposed EDCFSC
Policies and Procedures. Allen proposed a motion to approve the EDCFSC Policies and Procedures as
revised and submitted. Second by Lori Tuthill. Approved by all present.
Selection of EDCFSC BOD officers for 2006/2007 was discussed. Lori Tuthill
proposed a motion to continue the current Directors in their positions as Officers for 2006/2007 with
the exception of Rich Englefield to be replaced by Joan Jennings as Treasurer. Penny Humphreys =
Chairperson, Ray Griffiths = Vice Chair, Walt Tyler = Secretary. Second by Mary Cornelison.
Approved by all present.
Vicki showed an example of the mailer/handout developed by her and Jana for public
education of defensible space and fire safety. The printer should have them available before the EDC
Fair. There is a need to continue the Senior and Disabled Assistance program and Vicki continues to
seek support. She has completed a list of Projects. She believes that EDCFSC is receiving about eight
percent of statewide funds available. Vicki continues to try to secure funding for the Chipping
Program. Title III funding requests have been signed. Allen added that approximately $230,000
of FEMA funding has been approved for the Log Town area.
Vicki reported on her attendance at the Rural Counties/Schools Coalition Conference
at Sparks, Nevada. A major emphasis was discussion of reauthorization of Title III funding.
CWPP for Grizzly Flats has been completed and is ready for signing. Tom Mahach has
done an outstanding job on the Sly Park Corridor CAP. His work should make completion of a Sly Park
Corridor CWPP much easier.
There is about $40,000 available for Defensible Space training, education, and
implementation. Start up funds for a satellite council is about $600.00. There is approximately
$20,000 available that can be used to help start up councils. There is a Funding Request form
that can be used to request funds.
Vicki passed around a copy of a 6th Grade curriculum from Butte County that teachers
use to teach evacuation and fire safe procedures. It was very impressive.
Submitted by Walt Tyler, Secretary EDCFSC