El Dorado County Fire Safe Council
March 29, 2006
Gold Hill Fire Station, 6051 Gold Hill Road
1:00 p.m. - 3:00 p.m.
Penny Humphreys, Chairperson, called the meeting to order at approximately 1:00 p.m.
Members and guests present were: Bob Berry, Bill Cave (Director), Richard Englefield (Treasurer),
Walt Graves, Ray Griffiths (Vice Chair), Allen Jaeger (Director), Ken Kumpe, Frank Mosbacher,
Gene Murphy, Ed and Audry Pomato, Bill Robinson, Debbie Rood, Bob Signor, Jim Stewart (Director),
Walt Tyler (Secretary), Mike Reeves, Krisann Kosel, Todd Schwenk, Kathy Ince, Teri Mizuhara.
Introductions were made and Penny asked if anyone would like to add item(s) to the agenda.
Mike Reeves asked to add EID report under item 6. A motion was proposed by Allen Jaeger to approve the
agenda with the addition. Second by Rich Englefield. Approved by all present.
Penny asked for a motion to approve/correct the minutes of 2-29-06. Jim Stewart
proposed a motion to approve the 2-29-06 minutes as submitted. Second by Allen Jaeger. Approved by all
Rich Englefield gave the Treasurer's report. He passed around copies of the profit and
loss statement. He advised all that our financial books are open to the public. He reviewed an OES SIMS/NIMS
workshop he recently attended. There were 50 attendees. More workshops to follow.
Krisann Kosal advised that the BLM Contractor list is now open and Contractors who wish to
apply for contracts should apply to be placed on the list now.
Ken Kumpe gave an overview of USFS planned burns. Rich asked what was happening with the
logging of the Freds Fire area. Previously cut logs are being removed. No new cutting until court review is
completed. The Grizzly Flats USFS Administrative Site is scheduled for control burning if weather and air
conditions are appropriate.
Mike Reeves reported on fuel reduction progress on EID land in the Sly Park, Camino,
Pollock Pines area. The fuel break from Camino to Pollock Pines is almost completed.
Bill Cave gave a report on the California Interagency Prevention/Mitigation Conference
that he attended. The focus was on wild fire mitigation and the roles of various agencies. Defensible space
enforcement was discussed. Advisors must know specifics of the law.
Teri Mizuhara advised that training for CDF and USFS advisors/inspectors/enforcers is being
scheduled and the trained people will train the community volunteers. The LA 38 is being revised and a form LE
100 is being developed. Enforcement will be phased in gradually. 30'-100' is considered "management fuel."
EID allows clearing on adjacent property to homeowners with a permit. Public education is still a primary focus.
Rich reported that Grizzly Flats had received a grant for $277,000 for evacuation route
clearance and clearing around the local school and community water facilities. The next goal will be to submit
requests for segments of a $1,000,000 project clearing on the North side of Grizzly Flats. Allen stated
that he had submitted three funding requests for Sand Ridge evacuation area that were returned as non funded.
He also advised that he was involved with submitting flood and road damage funding requests to FEMA For
Golden West Community Service District. The requests were successful and $196,000 in funding has been
granted. The repairs include a fire exit road. Rich reported that the EDCFSC BOD had approved extending
the Chipping contract for one year and pending signatures, the Chipping Program is up and running. Current
funding is available through 6-30-06. Rich reminded everyone that the EDCFSC and BOD meetings are now
scheduled for the same day. Schedule: Fourth Wednesday of the month, BOD 10.00 a.m., EDCFSC 1:00 p.m.
Debbie Rood reported that a mock evacuation is being planned for Mosquito.
Bill Robinson reported that road clearing has started at Chrome Ridge using funds
previously received.
Kathy Ince asked for every one planning a community exercise to inform the Red Cross
so they can be involved. They will assist in planning for a safe evacuation area.
Ray Griffiths reported on an organization that is using wood chips at an old mill
site to grow greenhouse plants. There is a large cost to get started but the savings in energy costs
are significant. He will bring more information at another meeting.
Teri Mizuhara reported that progress continues with the relocation of the Baltic
Lookout Tower to Gold Bug Park. If the proposal clears the Gold Bug Park and Development Committee it
will be submitted to the Placerville City Council for approval.
Allen Jaeger reported on the organization of residents in the Sand Ridge area and
the roadside clearing (30 ft. wide) that is being completed by local volunteers. The volunteer clearing
along with contract clearing using funds from two successful grant requests will reduce fire danger in
the area. He plans to motivate the Log Town residents to follow the Sand Ridge example.
Submitted by Walt Tyler, Secretary EDCFSC