El Dorado County Fire Safe Council Board of Directors Meeting
March 29, 2006
Gold Hill Fire Station, 6051 Gold Hill Road
10:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m.
The meeting was called to order by Penny Humphreys, Chairperson, at approximately
10:00 a.m. Directors in attendance were: Bill Cave, Mary Cornelison, Richard Englefield (Treasurer),
Allen Jaeger, Joan Jennings, Jim Stewart, Walt Tyler (Secretary).
Penny Humphreys asked for a motion to approve the agenda, amendments, additions, and/or
deletions. Allen Jaeger asked to add clarification of funding to start up a satellite Fire Safe Council.
It was suggested that this could be discussed under Directors Comments. Walt asked that Directors Comments
be added after New Business. Rich Englefield asked for the addition of the use of a dumpster used during
clean up day at west end of Sand Ridge Rd. be added. A motion was proposed by Joan Jennings to
approve the agenda with additions as requested. Second by Mary Cornelison. Approved by all present.
Penny Humphreys asked for a motion to approve the minutes of the 2-15-06 BOD meeting.
A motion was proposed by Allen Jaeger to approve the 2-15-06 BOD minutes as submitted. Second by
Mary Cornelison. Approved by all present.
Rich Englefield gave the Treasurer's report. He distributed information sheets and
explained the contents. He advised that the ED CEO had requested additional financial information regarding
Title III funds which he had secured and submitted. He advised that requests for Title III funds had been
approved. Almost all funding to continue Chipping Program through 6-30-06 have been secured. EDC CEO
office and BLM have approved the extending of Chipping Contracts for one more year. Bill Cave questioned
extending the contracts and stated that Auburn Lake Trails is interested in securing a chipping contract
for only Auburn Lake Trails. They have purchased a chipper and would like to put it to work. Discussion
included that current contract is for entire EDC, revised RSP would be needed to divide contract areas,
time required to submit RSPs could jeopardize current funding. Possibility of conflict of interest could
exist regarding an Auburn Lake Trails contract since Bill Cave is an EDCFSC BOD Director. Rich
reported on the OES NIMS/SEMS workshop that he attended. SEMS is the National Emergency Management
System. NIMS will be the National Incident Management System. The objective was to revise and
develop a current manual (workbook).
Penny Humphreys asked for a motion to approve the extension of the current Chipping
Contract. Jim Stewart proposed a motion to extend the current Chipping Contract for one year.
Seconded by Rich Englefield. Approved by all present.
Allen Jaeger confirmed that all funding requests from Title III have been approved
except for Chipping Program. Vicki requests that new tires be purchased for the EDCFSC vehicle.
Sierra Tire has stated that they will provide four tires at cost. Rich Englefield proposed a
motion to approve funding for four tires to be purchased by Vicki from Sierra Tire to be placed on
the EDCFSC vehicle. Cost not to exceed $500.00. Second by Joan Jennings. Approved by all present.
Vicki is requested to send out a list of public education events, Home and Garden Show
dates, AG Day at the Fairgrounds and Wildfire Awareness Week.
Rich stated that the funding for the Sand Ridge clean up day dumpster is taken care of.
The possibility of providing a dumpster for the 6-24-06 Grizzly Flats clean up day will be requested.
Allen Jaeger requested that everyone review the proposed policies prior to the next
meeting. He stated that Rich had provided him with information regarding funding for new Fire Councils.
Having both the EDCFSC BOD meeting and the EDCFSC meeting on the same day was discussed.
Jim Stewart proposed a motion to continue scheduling both meetings on the fourth Wednesday of the month
unless problems arise. Seconded by Mary Cornelison. Approved by all present. Next meetings will
be April 26, 2006. Rich will make changes on the web site.
A copy of the proposed news print insert was reviewed. A motion by Allen Jaeger
was proposed to approve the design as presented by Jana Newman. Seconded by Jim Stewart. Approved by all
present. Updated content and cost to be presented at a later date.
Submitted by Walt Tyler, Secretary EDCFSC