El Dorado County Fire Safe Council Meeting
February 22, 2006
Gold Hill Fire Station, 6051 Gold Hill Hill Road
1:00 p.m. - 3:00 p.m.
The meeting was called to order by Vicki Yorty, Executive Coordinator, at approximately
1:00 p.m. Members and guests in attendance were: Bob Berry, Jennifer Boyd, Mary Cornelison (Director),
Ray Griffiths (Director-Vice Chair), Walt Graves, Allen Jaeger (Director), Joan Jennings
(Director), Tom Mahach, Patrick McDaniel, Teri Mizuhara, Gene Murphy, Fred Ott, Ed and Audrey Pomato,
Bill Robinson, Debbie Rood, Bob Signor, Jim Stewart (Director), Walt Tyler (Director-Secretary),
Krisann Kosel, Susan Hennike, Dan Campanelli.
Introductions were made and Vicki asked to add to the agenda a presentation by Ray Griffiths
on Manzanita. A motion was proposed by Allen Jaeger to approve the agenda with the addition. Second by
Mary Cornelison. Approved by all present.
Vicki asked for a motion to approve the minutes of 1-25-06. Ray Griffiths proposed
a motion to approve the 1-25-06 minutes as written. Second by Mary Cornelison. Approved by all present.
Vicki gave the Treasurer's report. Finances are stable and everything is ready for the
audit. The web site continues to grow. A form is being developed to collect information to assist fire
district personnel and other agencies during evacuations, fires, and other emergencies. It will eventually
be available on the web site.
Ray Griffiths reviewed the EDCFSC Board of Directors meeting of 2-15-06. Rich Englefield
is requesting a replacement for Treasurer position. Additions to the Contractors page on the web site are
still being requested. The BOD supported resolutions (five) for the Prop. 40 grant requests submitted by
Allen Jaeger for the Sand Ridge area. Rich presented maps showing sites where chipping has been completed.
$80,000 in funding is needed to continue '06-'07 chipping program. Grizzly Flat CWPP has been completed.
Green Waste Vouchers are still available. Change the date to '06. Meeting time has been changed to 10:00 a.m.
to 12:00 noon for the BOD followed by EDCFSC 1:00 p.m. to 3:00 p.m. for the next meeting.
Tom Mahach reported on the progress of the Sly Park CAP. Results of surveys, community
meetings, research and planning are being finalized. When completed the document will be available on the
EDCFSC web site.
Vicki passed around a copy of the Grizzly Flats CWPP and a copy for the Gold Bug Park
plan. Both will be available on the web site.
Bob Signor reported that defensible space training is scheduled for volunteers at Grizzly
Flats 2-23-06. A meeting has been scheduled for interested residents of Sand Ridge and Outingdale to
discuss defensible space and development of Fire Safe Councils.
Teri Mizuhara reported that the Wal Mart activity has been canceled. Planning for
the Home and Garden Show is under way. Vicki advised that the usual newspaper insert would not be
followed this year. An informational bulletin for defensible space will be made available to the public.
The Prop. 40 proposals have been submitted.
Jennifer Boyd reported that proposals have been submitted to clearinghouse. USFS is
continuing projects across the forest. There are more needs for fuel treatments than there are funds
available. More precise project examinations and planning are being completed. Maintenance of project
areas continues to be a concern with no absolute solution.
Teri added that relocation of the Baltic Lookout tower is being considered to Gold Bug Park.
Many difficulties with relocation to EDC Fair Grounds have been encountered.
Krisann Kosel described a list of pre approved Contactors that is maintained by BLM.
Contractors on the list have been screened to assure that they can perform the requirements of the contract
being submitted. The list is revised every three years. Contractors need to be on the list if they desire
to contract work with BLM. The list is being revised now.
Vicki reviewed the results of the workshop or 1-25-06. Very positive responses from the
members and guests. Vicki has submitted to clearinghouse a proposal for funding of the Chipping Program using
community input as the match for the proposal. She totaled 14,000 hours of documented community work getting
the material ready to chip. At a minimum scale of $10.00 per hour equals $140,000 of in kind funding.
She also submitted request for funding of the Disabled/Senior Assistance Program. The current 100' clearance
requirement is impossible for many residents. Funding from private organizations may be necessary.
Allen Jaeger described the Sand Ridge area and the proposals he has submitted. Walt Tyler
briefly described the two proposals for the Grizzly Flats evacuation routes and shadow clearing of project
North of the community. Debbie described the $175,000 proposal for Mosquito to be used for completing
clearing the evacuation routes. Bill Robinson described an evacuation proposal and a proposal to continue
mastication for Chrome Ridge.
Patrick McDaniel advised that Prop. 40 Sand Ridge #1 and #2 proposals have been approved.
A Georgetown and a Mosquito proposal were also approved. There is a possibility that additional funds may
become available for more proposals to be approved. Maintenance of previously completed project areas is
being reviewed.
Ray Griffiths gave an overview of several Manzanita species and sub-species found in
California. Interesting and educational presentation.
The meeting adjourned at approximately 3:00 p.m.
Submitted by Walt Tyler, Secretary EDCFSC