El Dorado County Fire Safe Council Board of Directors Meeting
February 15, 2006
Gold Hill Fire Station
10:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m.
Ray Griffiths, Vice Chair, called the meeting to order at approximately 10:00 a.m.
Directors and guest were: Lori Tuthill, Joan Jennings, Janet Gastaldi, Mary Cornelison, Jim Stewart, Bill
Cave, Sue Hennike (Guest), Richard Englefield (Treasurer), Allen Jaeger, Walt Tyler
(Secretary), Vicki Yorty (Executive Coordinator).
Ray Griffiths asked for a motion to approve the agenda, amendments, and deletions.
Mary Cornelison asked that meeting time be added to New Business. Allen Jaeger asked that discussion of
policies and procedures be added to New Business. A motion to approve the agenda with additions was
proposed by Allen Jaeger. Second by Lori Tuthill. Approved by all present.
Ray Griffiths asked for a motion to approve the minutes of 1-18-06. Joan Jennings
proposed a motion to approve the minutes of 1-18-06 as submitted. Second by Lori Tuthill. Approved
by all present.
Rich Englefield passed out an information packet summarizing finances as of 1-31-06.
He asked that the BOD seek a replacement of Treasurer by May 2006. Everything is up to date and the
transition should be easy since the bookkeeper does almost all of the records and provides statements.
The equipment in his possession that belongs to EDCFSC is transferable to another PC. Lori asked Rich to
provide statement of procedures and duties that could be used as a guide for the new Treasurer. Rich will
provide the information.
Rich reported that the Contractors page is on the web site. More contractors should be
invited to be included.
Allen Jaeger explained the CDF Prop 40 proposals for Sand Ridge evacuation/road clearance.
There are five (5) separate proposals. Each proposal requires a separate Resolution by the EDCFSC BOD. If
the grant application(s) are successful, the EDCFSC will administer the grant(s). The grant applications
have been submitted and the Resolutions are due during the first part of March. Funds for administration
(15%) are included within the grant requests. Vicki verified that the EDCFSC insurance policy includes
"omissions and errors." Allen agreed to prepare the Resolution forms. The Resolutions will be numbered
2006-02-001 through 2006-02-005. Lori Tuthill proposed a motion to authorize the EDCFSC BOD to
support and submit the five required Resolutions for the CDF Prop 40 proposals for Sand Ridge evacuation/road
clearance. The EDCFSC is authorized to administer the grants. Jim Stewart seconded. Approved by nine
directors present. One abstains.
Rich explained that a map showing sites where chipping has been performed by funding from
EDCFSC. Sue Hennike added that "on the ground" work will not be funded by Title III funds. The funds can
be used for education, planning. Everyone agrees that the Chipping Program has been successful and should
be continued. Efforts will continue to seek funding for the program. There is a need for $80,000+ matching
funds to secure the BLM chipping grant.
The Grizzly Flats CWPP is completed and ready for final signatures. Copies for distribution
should be ready shortly. Tom is continuing with community meetings and planning for the Sly Park Corridor CAP.
There are still funds available for Green Waste Vouchers to be used. Users need to change
the 2005 date to 2006. The date change will save reprinting costs.
CA Clearinghouse proposals have been submitted for both Senior Assistance and Chipper
Programs for 2007. Allen has submitted one proposal for Log Town and GFFSC using the CWPP has submitted
two grant proposals. USDF has designated $34,000 in matching funds towards the Grizzly Flats grant
proposals. There are also local "in kind" commitments by CERT and GFCSD.
Vicki requested approval to attend the Rural Schools/Communities Conference in Sparks
NV April 7-9. A motion was proposed by Mary Cornelison to authorize Vicki to attend the Rural
Schools/Communities Conference in Sparks NV April 7 through 9, 2006. Participation fee of $395 and
lodging of $160 included. Seconded by Janet Gastaldi. Approved by all present.
A public information newsletter is being developed and Vicki is asking the satellite Fire
Safe Councils to participate. This is a valuable educational tool and the effectiveness can be determined by
public response and decline in preventable fires.
Mary Cornelison asked that the meeting time and frequency be revisited. Distance of
travel and time for two meetings each month is difficult for some Directors. After discussion, the BOD
decided that the next meeting would be March 22, 2006. The BOD would meet at 10:00 a.m. - 12: p.m. and the
Council would meet 1:00 p.m. - 3:00 p.m. All present agreed to the new schedule on a trial basis.
Allen Jaeger gave an up to date report of the policies and bylaws that he has been working
with. He gave copies of the proposed revisions and asked the Directors to review prior to the April '06
Vicki will continue recruiting for a representative from the Mosquito area to fill the
vacant Director position.
Submitted by Walt Tyler, Secretary EDCFSC