El Dorado County Fire Safe Council Board of Directors Meeting
January 25, 2006
Diamond Springs/El Dorado Firefighters' Memorial Hall
Vicki Yorty, Executive Coordinator, called the meeting to order at approximately 1:00 p.m.
Members and guests in attendance were: Jody Armstrong, Bob Berry, Maria Capraun, Bill Cave (Director),
Claire Cave, Mary Cornelison (Director), Allen Jaeger (Director), Bill Knoop, Audrey Paye, Ed and
Audrey Pomato, Bill Robinson, Bob Smart, Lori Tuthill (Director), Walt Tyler (Secretary), Cheryl
Conley, John Rozowski, Donna Root, Kathy Ince, Roger Ince, Dave Wiltze, Leo Metz, Marline Metz, Kevin Ryan,
John Bernal, Carl Gronewold, Edith Monger, Richard Delbridge, Allan Sanford, Diane Lockwood, Jennifer Arrowsmith,
June Stailey, Mary Lynn Morgan, Sandi Bush, Barbara Lacy, Tony Ruiz, Frank Hauck, Cathy Koos Breazeal, Bill
Templin, Ryn Woll, Martha Rentenia, Robert Dorisse, Ripley Howe, Steve Youel, Wade Parmeter, Bob Todd, Katherine
Pranza, Lynn Shetley, Marylou Brown, John Anderson, Deborah Rood, Bill George, Joan Jennings(Director),
Harry Kohaut, Ken Lee, Frank Jacobi, Marty Sanford, Barbara Lea, Elizabeth Stardeven, Bob Harris, Ray
Griffiths (Vice Chair), Susan McKenzie, Sue Peppers, Todd Cunningham, Mickey Sleigh, R and H Hauschildt,
Richard Englefield (Treasurer), Penny Humphreys (Chair), Teri Mizuhara, Jennifer Boyd, Frank
Mosbacher, Marty Hackett, Barbara Rebiskie, Bob Signor, Phyllis Banducci, Jose Crummett, Laura Hierholzer,
Krisann Kosel, Judi Harkins.
Vicki made brief introductions and welcomed all for attending. She indicated that the
entire El Dorado County is at fire risk. The diversity of population and topography contribute to the fire
hazards. Communities at risk have been identified and efforts are being made to make them fire safe. The
EDCFSC and satellite Fire Safe Councils (15) are working with other related agencies towards this goal.
Jennifer Boyd, USFS Fields Officer, passed around an informative handout "Forest Service
at a Glance." She described the mission and the organization of the USDA Forest Service and the El Dorado
Forest. Areas of responsibility of USFS/CDF were described and available USFS equipment. She stated that a
project and treatment map is being developed to show all of the combined efforts of various agencies to reduce
Frank Mosbacher, USFS, spoke of availability of grants for fuel reduction on property
adjacent to the National Forest. He explained the process for evaluating the grant requests and how they are
Krisann Kosel, BLM, briefly described the history of BLM. It is a part of the Department
of Interior. They manage more properties than all other agencies combined. Their land pattern in El Dorado
County is scattered. Their overall goal is to provide multiple use of public land. Involvement by homeowners
is critical with planning future land use. BLM land that is within the 100' clearance requirement of private
property can be cleared for fire prevention after a BLM inspection and a permit is issued.
Phyllis Banducci, CDF, provided information of the organization of CDF. She introduced Teri
Mizuhara, CDF Fire Information Officer, and other personnel representing CDF. She used a map to show areas of
State responsibility and Federal responsibility and overlaps. She explained that CDF has responsibility for
overseeing all timber harvesting on private lands. She stated that CDC inmates are used for project work by
CDF and other agencies. There is a cost savings when using inmate work crews. Information about timber
harvesting and permits was made available.
Jose Crummett, EDC GIS Department, described that his department is responsible to manage
the land management system. They can map just about anything in El Dorado County. They work closely with
OES, EDC Sheriff Dept., EID and other public agencies. They will help those with special requests to provide
Bob Signor, Chief Pioneer Fire District, presented an overview of individual responsibility
and the development of our existing fire agencies. The primary responsibility has always been with the individual.
The original intent of clearance around residences was to prevent residential fires from spreading to the wild
lands. This has reversed with increased development within rural areas. The role of the PFD is to assist
residents within the district develop and implement fire protection plans, evacuation routes, and awareness of
resources available. He emphasized that the Incident Command System should be followed as well as the National
Emergency System.
Mary Cornelison, EDCFSC Director and Volcanoville resident, gave an overview of a training
exercise held in the Volcanoville area. The community is a typical one road in and out. A map has been
developed for the area showing all roads and residences. Structures have been designated as defensible or not.
Laura Hierholzer emphasized that a map that shows defensible and nondefensible structures can be used for any
community when planning fire containment. Mary stated that schools within the area must be included in any
plan since child safety and parent concern are a part of evacuation. Laura stated that every residence in an
area to be mapped must be inspected and owners of property that cannot be saved be advised and told how to
become fire safe. She explained the organization of an ICS Command Post and how it works. Mary emphasized the
importance of good communication since one error can disrupt the entire operation.
Marty Hackett, OES EDC Sheriff Dept., briefly described the CERT program and a recent incident
at Grizzly Flats involving CERT. His office is also responsible for Search and Rescue program. During an
emergency incident the OES office acts to coordinate the various agencies involved. Marty strongly supports
the volunteer first responders. People helping people. He is currently working with various agencies to
secure funds to repair or replace roads necessary for emergency responses. The OES office is the terrorism
liaison contact to the state.
John Anderson, Regional Manager, OES Inland Region, described agency response and damage
assessment. He briefly described available training and other services. He emphasized that schools will play
a huge role during evacuations for shelter and staging. Currently plans are being developed for mass
evacuation out of Sacramento. The receiving areas must be prepared. Previous major evacuations were referenced
and some problems encountered. Smooth flowing freeway traffic is of major concern. Vehicle refueling
locations are part of the plan.
Frank Hauck, Emergency Services Coordinator OES, works with the Hazard Mitigation group.
He explained that predisaster planning is a prerequisite for FEMA funds after a disaster. El Dorado County has
an approved Hazard Mitigation Plan. Hazard Mitigation is long term planning.
Roger Ince, Emergency Services Director Sierra Chapter of the Red Cross, introduced Kathy
Ince and Dave Wiltze. He explained that the American Red Cross is a nonprofit organization federally
chartered by Congress. The primary responsibility is to provide disaster services for military families.
They work closely with OES and other emergency agencies. They open shelters and make sure that people are
provided food. He emphasized that the basic responsibility to be fire safe, evacuation, and disaster survival
is with the individual. Marty added that planning for care and placement of animals and pets is a significant
part of evacuation and shelters. He complemented the Noah's Wish group for the excellent support provided
during the Fred's fire evacuation and shelter.
Vicki closed the meeting thanking all who attended and indicated that we will do it again.
Submitted by Walt Tyler, Secretary EDCFSC