El Dorado County Fire Safe Council Board of Directors Meeting
January 18, 2006
OES Conference Room, 330 Fair Lane, Placerville
10:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m.
Ray Griffiths, Vice Chair, called the meeting to order at approximately 10:00 a.m..
Directors present were: Bill Cave, Jim Stewart, Mary Cornelison, Lori Tuthill, Joan Jennings, Richard
Englefied (Treasurer), Walt Tyler (Secretary), and Vicki Yorty, Executive Coordinator.
Ray Griffiths asked for a motion to approve the agenda, amendments, and deletions.
Vicki asked that item (5) be postponed until the next meeting since Debbie Rood could not be present at
this meeting. Walt Tyler asked for item (6) to be discussed in closed session since it involved personnel
contracts. He asked that the item be rescheduled to the last item of business after (9). A motion to
approve the agenda as amended was proposed by Jim Stewart with a second by Rich Englefield. Approved by
all present.
Ray Griffiths asked for a motion to approve the minutes of 10-19-05. Jim Stewart
proposed a motion to approve the minutes of 10-19-05 as submitted. Second by Rich Englefield. Approved
by all present.
Rich Englefield gave the Treasurers Report and provided an informational handout. He
continued with an overview of the current Website activities. The available Contractor information is
progressing. Hits on the Website continue to increase. The completed GFCWPP will be added when completed.
Vicki added that the auditor has inquired if she will be completing a current annual audit. Vicki plans
to respond during the first part of February when availability of funds should be available. Rich has put
together a library of maps available through the EDCFSC website.
Vicki has discussed appointment as a Director with Debbie Rood to replace Len Newell.
It is planned for Debbie to attend some meetings prior to appointment.
Vicki Yorty gave the Executive Coordinator's report. Tom Mahach is progressing with
the Sly Park Corridor Community Action Plan and is planning more community meetings. The Grizzly Flats
CWPP is being submitted for signatures and final approval. The Gold Bug Park CWPP has been signed for
final approval. Many needs for fire prevention and safety have resulted from the Gold Bug CWPP.
Planning is being done to combine Georgetown and Garden Valley to coordinate evacuation
of the two communities. Evacuation planning was primary in the development of the Grizzly Flats CWPP and
grant requests for route fuel reduction are being prepared. Fuel reduction around the Grizzly Pines School,
which includes the helicopter spot, and the GFCSD water facilities will be used for "in kind" matching
funds towards the grant requests.
Bill Cave reported that Auburn Lake Trails is resubmitting grant requests that were not
successful last year. Included is a request for funds to remove brush and other vegetation from previously
cleared fire defensive zones.
Vicki is pursuing a Home Depot Foundation grant for materials to remodel a 1500 sq. ft.
room at Mt. Danaher to be used by EDCFSC. All of the funds for the Chipping Program have been expended.
Future of the program will depend upon receipt of Title III funding. A decision by the EDC BOS is expected
soon. Funding for chipping and related programs including Vicki's salary could be withheld until March '06.
Vicki explained the purpose of the CA Interagency Prevention Mitigation Conference March
20-23, 2006 to be held at Sacramento. She plans to attend. No objections from the Directors.
Vicki read to the group the letter of retirement from Dick Harrell. She has written a
letter of endorsement for Teri Mizuhara to receive the USFS Bronze Smoky award. Vicki has been contacted
by the Latrobe Fire Chief who has been contacted by residents within the Latrobe area interested in
receiving information of fire prevention and Fire Councils. She plans to schedule informational
Ray Griffiths closed the Open Meeting and opened the Closed Session at approximately
11:25 a.m. The Closed Session ended at approximately 11:40 a.m. and the Open Session resumed. During
Closed Session: It was decided to continue discussion of the Mountain Enterprises chipping contract until
the March '06 EDCFSC BOD meeting since the contract expires March 31, 2006. A motion was proposed by Jim
Stewart to extend the current contracts of Vicki Yorty and Jana Newman through December 31, 2006 pending
availability of funding. Second by Joan Jennings. Approved by all present. No other action taken during
Closed Session.
The next scheduled meeting of the EDCFSC BOD is February 15, 2006 at the Gold Hill
Fire Station.
The meeting adjourned at 11:45 a.m.
Submitted by Walt Tyler, Secretary EDCFSC