Fire Safe Council Board of Directors Meeting
October 19, 2005
Gold Hill Fire Station
10:00a.m. - 12:00p.m.
The meeting was called to order at approximately 10:00a.m. by Ray Griffiths,
Vice Chair. Directors and guest present were: Lori Tuthill, Bill Cave, Jim Stewart, Mary
Cornelison, Allen Jaeger, Walt Tyler (Secretary), Bill Brant (Guest), Richard
Englefield (Treasurer), Vicki Yorty (Executive Coordinator).
A motion was proposed by Mary Cornelison to approve the agenda as submitted,
Second by Allen Jaeger. Approved by all present.
A motion was proposed by Lori Tuthill to approve the minutes of 9-21-05 as
submitted. Second by Bill Cave. Approved by all present.
Rich requested that the Treasurer's report be moved to after the Executive
Coordinator's report to allow time for organization of presentation materials. All agreed to the
agenda change.
Vicki presented copies to the proposed Planning Project Matrix (Appendix M of
EDCWPP). She has presented it to the Fire Chief's Council and received positive response. After
review and brief discussion, Jim Stewart proposed a motion to adopt the Planning Project Matrix as
submitted. Second by Lori Tuthill. Approved by all present. It will become Appendix
M or the EDCWPP and be up dated annually.
Progress continues with the development of the fire safe project map. It should
include proposed projects for the next five years when completed. It has not been determined where
the final version of the map will be located.
Vicki reported that the Woody Biomass Conference was very informational and
successful. She plans to make an informational presentation at the EDCFSC meeting 10-26-05. Funds
are available to support and develop biomass utilization. She recommends that EDCFSC continue to be
Vicki responded to Allen Jaeger's e-mail questions regarding Sand Ridge fire
safe planning. Ray described the Tub Grinder and how it works. Copy of the EDCWPP is available
through Vicki. She can help with coordinating meetings. Allen said that Sand Ridge residents are
confused regarding service responses from fire and safety agencies. He was advised that the agency
dispatcher decides which unit responds. This does not affect the market area for grant requests.
Vicki distributed copies of the EDC RSP for Title III funds. She explained some
of the details and advised the Directors that this is the last year for this funding. There is
legislation pending for future funding and she asks that legislators be contacted for support. There
has been approximately $4,000 in calendar sales. There are sales pending.
Chipping Program is going well. Requests are almost caught up. Vicki has
received receipts from Waste Management verifying a lot of use of the Green Waste Vouchers. She
is working on plans to locate green waste dumpsters at Pollock Pines and other places.
Allen Jaeger presented a draft of the proposed BOD Policies and Procedures for
review and comments. He briefly explained contents and asked for Directors input before next BOD
meeting. He plans to have the document completed by the end of '05.
Rich stated that no Treasurer's report was available since the bookkeeper's
report had not been received. He informed the BOD that piles of green waste are to be burned at
Elkins Flat and there would be smoke in the air. Rich has an excellent view of project burn areas
East of his residence on Crystal Blvd. He will try to get photos to be put on the web. He
believes that CDF and USFS should make current burning project schedules available to the public
through the EDCFSC web site. He will make contacts to update information to be placed on the web.
Rich requested that Directors assist him develop an updated list of vendors for the web site.
Vicki informed the BOD that the list of Registered Professional Foresters is being updated.
Mary reported on the simulated fire exercise conducted at the Volcanoville
area two weeks ago. It was excellent. OES, CERT, Red Cross, CDF, USFS, NEST, Animal Control,
and representatives of local Fire District participated. It was a realistic exercise with unexpected
conditions frequently included. An inventory of all residences, people and animals was completed.
An evacuation plan for the local school has been requested to be available to emergency services.
Allen described his recent experiences at a field trip with students touring
the Fred's Fire area and giving presentations at Ghost Mountain. He explained that initial
predictions of fire direction and travel were determined and SPI equipment was used to cut fire
lines to stop fire progress. The lines stopped the fire. He was very impressed with the interest
demonstrated by the students with forest management and restoration.
The next EDCFSC BOD meeting is scheduled for 11-9-05.
Submitted by: Walt Tyler, Secretary, EDCFSC