Fire Safe Council Board of Directors Meeting
September 21, 2005
Gold Hill Fire Station
10:00a.m. - 12:00p.m.
The meeting was called to order at approximately 10:00a.m. by Penny
Humphreys, Chairperson. Directors and guests present were: Vicki Yorty (Executive
Coordinator), Walt Tyler (Secretary), Lori Tuthill, Ray Griffith (Vice Chair),
Allen Jaeger, Janet Gastaldi, Joan Jennings, Jim Stewart, Bill Cave, Gene Murphy.
Ray Griffith proposed a motion to approve the agenda as submitted. Second by
Bill Cave. Approved by all present.
Allen Jaeger proposed a motion to approve the August 17, 2005 minutes of the
Fire Safe Council Board of Directors meeting. Second by Ray Griffith. Approved by all present.
Vicki gave the Treasurer's report. She explained negative billing was due to
date of receiving funds from grant sources. She sometimes has to use available funds for bills
until additional funds are received. She has completed some research regarding the line of credit
and the credit card. The cost for a line of credit for a non-profit organization would be about
$500 per year. She recommends that we continue as we are now. She will do more research
regarding the credit card. She reviewed the web site contacts and we are still receiving
increased web site contacts. Rich is requesting that BOD members assist in developing a list
to be placed on the web site of qualified vendors and contractors performing services related
to fire safe activities. The EDCFSC does not endorse contractors or vendors appearing on the
web site.
Penny Humphreys spoke of the need for community disaster preparedness. Discussion
ranged from individual preparedness to public services. The EDCWPP is part of the EDC Multi-Hazard
Plan, which provides direction for disaster operations. EDC OES is the coordinator for disaster
services. Vicki is a member of the Disaster Council and briefly described her activities. Vicki
will get copy of the Multi-Hazard Plan (other than EDCWPP) for BOD to review. She will also
prepare a letter to the Fire Chiefs indicating the EDCFSC support for disaster preparedness. Bill
Cave described an organization within Auburn Lake Trails made up of local volunteers who will be
able to provide emergency assistance during a disaster. Allen Jaeger reviewed a recent meeting of
residents that was held in the Sand Ridge area. The results have been positive. Some folks have
cleared brush from evacuation roads and have made fuel reduction efforts around residences. He is
planning a meeting of residents in the Log Town area.
Gene Murphy reviewed progress of the Gold Bug Fire Safe Plan. It is ready for
presentation to the Placerville City Council for final approval. This was a voluntary project by
Gene and Doug. They are complemented by the EDCFSC BOD for a job well done! Gene
explained that he has had significant expense for vehicle mileage, printing, map production, and
supplies. The BOD agreed that he should be reimbursed for his expenses. He will give Vicki expense
receipts. Bill Cave proposed a motion for the EDCFSC to reimburse Gene Murphy for expenses related
to the completion of the Gold Bug Fire Safe Plan. Second by Jim Stewart. Approved by all
Bill Cave described efforts being made at Auburn Lake Trails identifying
boundaries to designate sphere of influence. This is necessary when applying for grant funds
from agencies controlling lands adjacent or close to project areas. Gene Murphy is assisting with
these efforts.
Vicki gave her Executive Coordinator's report. She explained that she is
coordinating the Strategic Planning Projects with Community Listings of Market Areas to show
designation of requested project funding. The BOD reviewed current listed Market Areas and made
recommendations to add, delete, consolidate, or redesignate Rural Centers. She distributed an
update of the Strategic Planning Project Matrix resulting from the 7/20 meeting. A countywide
fire safe project map is being prepared. Calendars are in (10,000). $2200 in sales so far.
Approximately $45,000 remaining in chipper fund as of the end of August. She still has vouchers
for green waste to be disposed of at dump.
Allen Jaeger reviewed progress of Bylaws/Board Policies and Procedures. He
believes that the Bylaws with changes are up to date at this time. He will now start developing
policies and procedures. Vicki stated that the auditor has made some recommendations for
consideration when developing policies and procedures.
Vicki advised the BOD that Len Newell, Director, is very ill. She has been
maintaining contact and will keep the members advised of his circumstances and recovery efforts.
Jim Stewart asked for clarification of BOD responsibility to complete forms
required by the Ralph Brown Act. EDCFSC BOD are not elected and do not have to file disclosure
Submitted by: Walt Tyler, Secretary, EDCFSC