El Dorado County Fire Safe Council Meeting
August 24, 2005
1:00 p.m. - 3:00 p.m.
The meeting was called to order at approximately 1:00 p.m. by Vicki Yorty,
Executive Coordinator. Members and guests present were: Jody Armstrong, Phyllis Banducci, Maria
Capraun, Richard Englefield (Treasurer), Ray Griffiths (Vice Chair), Allen Jaeger
(Director), Bob Krieg, Tom Mahach, Tad Mason, Susan McKenzie, Jana Newman, Fred Ott,
Ed/Audrey Pomato, Barbara Rebiskie, Bill Robinson, Bob Smart, Jim Stewart (Director),
Walt Tyler (Secretary), Scott Stephens, Diane Dealey Neill, Denice Rice, Ted Schmidt,
Wendy West, Barry Callenberger, Krisann Kosel, Cathy Koos Breazent, Bob Berry, Suzanne Todd.
Members and guests present introduced themselves and briefly described
current activities related to FSC in their areas. Ted Schmidt was recently appointed as
Garden Valley Fire Chief. He was previously an assistant Fire Chief at Garden Valley and
has extensive fire related experience. Tad Mason, Chairman of the Biomass Committee, advised
that the energy act has been signed by the U.S. President (Bush) and is favorable to utilizing
biomass. Transportation of materials could be benefited. Favorable tax credits are included.
Bob Krieg described the successful fund raising Grizzly Flat FSC BBQ held at the Terry and
Sandy Bush residence. Over 100 people attended. Ed Pomato advised that Outingdale FSC
involvement is progressing. There have been two chipper requests and a community cleanup
workday is being planned. Bob Smart reported that progress of the Grizzly Flat CWPP is good
and a recent meeting of community members was productive. A presentation is planned for the
GFFSC 9-10-05. Krisann Kosel reported BLM project activities. Some could involve private
landowners. She advised that small communities could initiate "at risk" status for fire
protection by submitting an application form. She could be contacted for additional
information (Business Phone) 916-985-4494. Jim Stewart reported that efforts are being made
to put a FSC together in El Dorado Hills. The Fire Chief and local community representatives
are involved. Allen Jaeger described a meeting scheduled 8-25-05 at a residence within Log
Town area to advise residents of fire dangers in the area and functions of FSC. His goal is
to get a FSC started within the area. Jana Newman reported on the progress of the calendars.
There have been approximately 1500 ordered so far. Profits from sales will be placed in the
education fund for future use. Tom Mahach reported progress on the Sly Park CAP. He has
completed surveys and will present results at a community meeting Sept. 8th.
Vicki requested that the minutes of the previous meeting be deferred until
the Sept. 21st meeting.
Rich Englefield reported that the auditor's report has been received and
there are only a couple of items to be completed. Tax reports are completed and filed.
Accountant reports are up to date.
Vicki reviewed her Executive Coordinator report. She emphasized that
strategic planning is a must if future funding is to be requested. Projects must be
identified within a plan. She has reviewed previous minutes and other records and will
present proposed updates for the CWPP at the Sept. meeting.
Diane Deally-Neill gave a presentation on the upcoming annual California
Forestry Challenge. This is the third year of the event. Students will focus on fire safety,
prevention, and reforestation. The Fred's fire area will be utilized for student participation.
CDF and USDF staff will be consultants. Students are required to present judged project
presentations at the conclusion of the exercise.
Scott Stephens, UC Berkley, presented an informative review of an experimental
forested site in Northern Baja California Mexico. The site is similar to sites in the US.
The studies are intended to develop desirable future conditions in US forests. He reviewed
fuel reduction and fire management at the Blodgett Forest Research Station near Georgetown. He
emphasized that management and reduction of surface and ladder fuels are necessary for forest
productivity. He recommends that fire should be used with mechanical methods for the reduction
of biomass.
Submitted by: Walt Tyler, Secretary, EDCFSC