Fire Safe Council Board of Directors Meeting
August 17, 2005
Gold Hill Fire Station
10:00a.m. - 12:00p.m.
The meeting was called to order at approximately 10:00a.m. by Ray Griffith,
Vice Chairperson. Members present were: Allen Jaeger, Lori Tuthill, Mary Cornelison, Vicki Yorty
(Executive Coordinator), Janet Gastaldi, Jim Stewart, Bill Cave, Gene Murphy, Claire Cave,
Walt Tyler.
Lori Tuthill proposed a motion to approve the agenda as submitted. Second by
Mary Cornelison. Approved by all present.
Jim Stewart proposed a motion to approve the minutes for the 5-15-05 BOD meeting
be approved as submitted. Ray Griffith noted a spelling error of his name. Error corrected.
Second by Allen Jaeger with correction noted. Approved by all present.
Gene Murphy presented a complete and lengthy overview of the Gold Bug Park Draft
Fire Safe Plan that is being completed by Gene and Doug Leisz. There have been meetings with
Placerville Parks and Recreation representatives and Placerville City Council. All are supportive.
Preparation of the plan is being done at no cost to Placerville. The draft plan includes maps of
vegetation, roads, trails, residences, landmarks, and adjacent residences. The park has the
potential for a catastrophic fire, which would include a major portion of Placerville. A procedure
for reduction of vegetative materials to provide fire safe and defensible areas within the park is
described. The completed plan when approved by the Placerville City Council could be used as a
basis to apply for funding to reduce the excessive vegetation. All present agreed to support the
efforts by Gene and Doug. A motion was proposed by Lori Tuthill for the EDCFSC to support Gene
and Doug to continue with step number two of the Gold Bug Park Fire Safe Plan including approval
by Placerville City Council and the Fire Marshal. Second by Jim Stewart. Approved by all
present. Gene and Doug are complemented for their extensive voluntary efforts and time with
this project.
Gene also described the results of a meeting with Auburn Lake Trails and BLM
representatives concerning the current fire safe plan and proposed conversion to a CWPP. He
advised that this could be done easily and maps would show necessary boundaries. Gene and Doug
Leisz will complete necessary changes voluntarily.
Vicki presented the Treasurer's report. All financial areas are in order.
Taxes are completed and filed. Copies of records were made available. The auditor has requested
that besides a check register being maintained that a check back up be available for cross
reference. Vicki is doing this. The auditor has suggested that Vicki look into establishing a
line of credit with the bank due to the occasional need to pay bills before funds are received.
The BOD agreed that Vicki should explore establishing a line of credit and securing a credit card
for routine expenses for which she currently receives reimbursement. She will report back to the
BOD limits of credit and procedures of use.
Vicki gave her Executive Coordinator's report. Chipping program has increased
due to seasonal weather changes. There is approximately $62,000 remaining in the Chipping
fund. Chipping vacant lot material is a concern. The program was initiated to service developed
residential lots. A concern is the small developed 1/4 acre lot adjacent to a vacant lot. The
intent is not to clear large multiple acre undeveloped lots. Time limits and fee charges were
suggested. Vicki will explore and bring back suggestions to BOD. Vicki presented with her
Strategic Planning update suggestions for development of Fire Safe Councils through out the
outlying areas that would be coordinated through a "Regional" Fire Safe Council. USFS has
completed 1st draft of project map to show planning. Calendars are on web site but can't be
down loaded. They will be sold at $2.00 ea. She reported on a meeting that was held on
8/15 regarding the CDF Last Chance grant for fuel reduction in the Grizzly Flats area. The
grant is in place and will not be redesignated. The grant has been extended to February 2007.
Vicki told the BOD that she has been advised by Cathy Hardy, USFS, that attendance at a conference
in Missoula MO in October regarding biomass use would be beneficial to EDCFSC future planning.
Vicki asked the BOD to approve her attendance and related expenses. Total expenses are estimated
to be less than $600.00. Lori Tuthill proposed a motion to approve Vicki's attendance at the
October '05 conference at Missoula MO and related expenses. Second by Mary Cornelison.
Approved by all present.
Allen Jaeger reported on progress of the revision of the Bylaws. Proposed
changes were explained. He asked all BOD members to submit recommendations for changes soon as
he plans to submit a final draft for approval at the October meeting.
Submitted by: Walt Tyler, Secretary, EDCFSC