El Dorado County Fire Safe Council
May 25, 2005
Gold Oak Fire Station
1:00 p.m. - 3:00 p.m.
The meeting was called to order by Vicki Yorty, Executive Coordinator, at 1:00
p.m. Guests and members present were: Maria Capraun, Bill and Claire Cave, Mary Cornelison
(Director), Richard Englefield (Treasurer), Penny Humphreys (Director), Allen
Jaeger (Director), Joan Jennings (Director), Bob Krieg, Tad Mason, Susan McKenzie,
Gene Murphy, Fred Ott, Ed and Audrey Pomato, Barbara Rebiskie, Bill Robinson, Jim Stewart, Craig
Thomas, Walt Tyler (Secretary), Jeff Barnhart, Wendy West, Clare Clement, Warren Alford, Pat
Cook, Steve Youel, Barry Collenberger.
Vicki welcomed everyone. Members and guests introduced themselves. Mary
Cornelison proposed a motion to approve the agenda as submitted. Second by Penny Humphreys.
Approved by all present.
Penny Humphreys proposed a motion to approve the minutes as submitted for March
23, 2005 and April 27, 2005. Second by Joan Jennings. Approved by all present.
Rich Englefield gave the Treasurer's report including balances and funds received.
He included a review of web site activity which has been fairly active. He added that controlled
burns have been delayed due to wet weather. Burns are still planned.
Walt Tyler gave the BOD report of the 5-18-05 meeting. Two new Directors, Penny
Humphreys and Allen Jaeger were appointed. A committee was formed to nominate BOD Officers for the
'05 - '06 year. The committee will also review and make recommendations to update the bylaws and
propose policies and procedures for a BOD manual. The resignation of Tom Mahach was accepted. It
was requested that future BOD agendas include opportunities for guest and Director comments of items
not included on the agenda. Rich added that BOD had approved not to exceed $700.00 for the
purchase of GPS software. The purchase of a stand-alone hard drive for the Treasurer to use was
also approved not to exceed $215.00.
Vicki reviewed the Coordinator's Report. EDC is requiring detailed information
regarding EDCFSC use of Title III funds. Federal funds are becoming more limited as a result of
decreasing timber sales and reduced budgets. Vicki recommended that all EDCFSC members contact
their elected representatives to support funding to continue the services provided by the Fire Safe
Councils. She reviewed the CAP and CWPP contracts. Barbara Rebiskie reviewed the format for the
EDC Fair participation by USFS, CDF, and EDCFSC. Vicki reviewed the workshop she recently attended
with her expenses provided by BLM. She has redesigned the cover for the Wildfire Protection Plan
manual, which is being printed and will be distributed soon. Surplus copies will be available for
sale. She proposes that Strategic Planning be included during the July 27th meeting to initiate
proposals for next year. Vicki reviewed the use, purpose, and distribution of the Green Waste
Vouchers. Vouchers were given to members for distribution to community residents. Funding is
available to place a dumpster within a community to collect green waste for disposal. Volunteers
are needed to staff the EDCFSC office at Camino. Contact Vicki for scheduling. She is still trying
to secure funds for the Senior and Disabled Assistance Program.
Jeff Barnhart, USDF, informed that project burning would continue depending on
weather. Salvage logging in Freds Fire area is still in planning stage.
Bill and Claire Cave reported that they had received notice that Auburn Lake
Trails had received designation as a Firewise Community. There are 107 within the U.S. and only two
within California. Bill and Claire displayed a plaque that they had received and described benefits
that could result from the designation. Vicki indicated that other communities could eventually be
recognized as Firewise Communities.
Pat Cook gave a presentation describing Gold Bug Park. She stated that there is
a need for a forest management plan. Possibilities for potential funding were discussed. Vicki
assured Pat that the EDCFSC would be supportive.
Bill Cave described progress of right of way maintenance and weed abatement in
the Auburn Lake Trails area. He stressed the importance of a fuel reduction plan and following it.
Susan McKenzie reported that home inspections in the Georgetown area are increasing
in an effort to improve awareness of need for fire prevention practices.
A very informative presentation was given on Sierra Nevada Forest Protection
Campaign by Craig Thomas. Warren Alford described various activities of forest management,
conservation, production of usable materials, community involvement, economics and long range
planning. The benefits of fuel reduction versus the disastrous destruction of wild fires were
Rich Englefield reported that he had received information from Cathy Hardy, USFS,
that the Last Ridge fuel reduction project had been approved. It is for approximately 1200 acres of
under story material removal. The location is East of Grizzly Flats along Caps Crossing Road, which
is an evacuation route from the community.
Submitted by: Walt Tyler, Secretary EDCFSC