May, 4, 2005
Review and Selection of Contractors for GF CWPP and SPC CAP
2840 Mt. Danaher Road, Camino Road, Camino, CA
CDF Conference Room
Vicki Yorty, Executive Coordinator EDCFSC, called the meeting to order
at approximately 10:00 a.m. The purpose of the meeting was to review responses by
contractors to Requests for Proposals for Contracted Services to the El Dorado County
Fire Safe Council. The projects are: Grizzly Flats Community Wildfire Protection
Plan (CWPP) and Sly Park Corridor Community Action Plan. Persons attending the
meeting as the Review Committee were: Walt Tyler (Secretary), Lee Loney (GF
FSC), Marylou Brown (GF FSC), Sandi Bush (GF FSC), Joan Jennings
(Director), Richard Englefield (Treasurer), Janet Gastaldi (Director),
Leonard Newell (Director).
A quorum of the EDCFSC Directors was present. Vicki advised all present
that all contractor responses were received on time before the cut off date.
Contractors submitting proposals for the Grizzly Flats Community Wildfire
Protection Plan were:
TSS Consultants
2724 Kilgore Road
Rancho Cordova, CA 95670
Tel: 916-638-9326
Barry Callenberger, WILDLAND Rx
400 Snows Road
Placerville, CA 95667
Tel: 530-647-1140
Geoarch Sciences, Inc.
3170 Research Way, Suite 80
Carson City, NV 89706
Tel: 775-888-9588
Committee members reviewed each proposal independently evaluating community
involvement experience, conducting community meetings, available resources for plan development,
previous experience of related plans, knowledge and experience within the general plan area,
qualifications of support and responsible staff, and other general performance qualifications.
All three proposals were within the funding limits. After a lengthy independent review the
majority of the Review Committee decided to recommend WILDLAND Rx for the contract. A motion
was proposed by Sandi Bush to contract WILDLAND Rx, 4000 Snows Road, Placerville, CA 95667 to
complete the Grizzly Flats Wildfire Protection Plan as described within EDCFSC Request for
Proposals dated March 25, 2005 and Proposal received from WILDLAND Rx dated April 22, 2005.
Second by Len Newell. Approved by all present.
At approximately 12:15 p.m. Sandi Bush, Lee Loney, and Marylou Brown departed.
The remaining Review Committee members reviewed proposals from three contractors for the Sly Park
Corridor Community Action Plan. Proposals were submitted by:
TSS Consultants
2724 Kilgore Road
Rancho Cordova, CA 95726
Tel: 916-638-8811
Georach Sciences, Inc.
3170 Research Way, Suite 80
Carson City, NV 89706
Tel: 775-888-9588
Thomas G. Mahach
Aerie Press
6830 Aerie Rd.
Pollock Pines, CA 95726
Tel: 530-644-4384
Committee members reviewed each proposal independently evaluating community
involvement experience, conducting community meetings, available resources for plan development,
previous experience of related plans, knowledge and experience within the general plan area,
qualifications of support and responsible staff, and other general performance qualifications.
All three proposals were within the funding limits. After a lengthy independent review and
discussion of qualifications with regard to the unique Sly Park Corridor, the majority of the
Review Committee recommended Thomas G. Mahach, Aerie Press, to contract the services. Joan
Jennings proposed a motion to contract Thomas G. Mahach, Aerie Press, 6830 Aerie Rd., Pollock
Pines, CA 95726, to complete the Sly Park Corridor Community Action Plan as described within
the EDCFSC Request for Proposals dated March 25, 2005 and Proposal from Thomas G. Mahach dated
April 22, 2005. Second by Richard Englefield. Approved by all present.
Both Review Committee actions will be submitted to the EDCFSC Board of
Directors for conformation and final approval at the May 18, 2005 meeting.
Meeting adjourned at approximately 1:30 p.m.
Submitted by: Walt Tyler, Secretary EDCFSC