Fire Safe Council Board of Directors Meeting
April 20, 2005
Gold Hill Fire Station
10:00a.m. - 12:00p.m.
Acting Chairman Tom Mahach called the meeting to order at
approximately 10:00a.m. Directors and staff present were: Vicki Yorty (Executive
Coordinator), Len Newell, Joan Jennings, Mary Cornelison, Lori Tuthill, Janet
Gastaldi, Ray Griffiths, Walt Tyler, Rich Englefield.
Lori Tuthill proposed a motion to approve the agenda as submitted.
Seconded by Mary Cornelison. Approved by all present.
Lori Tuthill proposed a motion to approve the Minutes of 3-16-05 BOD.
Seconded by Mary Cornelison. Approved by all present.
Rich Englefield passed around copies of the financial reports.
There was some discussion regarding public disclosure of the reports. It was decided
that the information is open to the public so the printed reports are not confidential.
Vicki explained that sometimes totals might show a minus figure because funds are not
always received to a particular account prior to funds expended from the account. A
transfer of funds is sometimes necessary to meet payment deadlines. Everything will
balance. No checks are sent out until the money is in the bank. Rich explained that
all records and information of funds received and/or expended are given to the accountant
for processing and placed on a disc. Rich receives the disc for reports. The disc is
then delivered to Vicki. The disc does not go back to the accountant but is maintained
by Vicki. It was agreed that a current Statement of Activities report would be useful
for BOD members and other related financial reports could be placed in a folder or book
available for those interested to review.
Rich stated that the new Wildfire Protection Plan books would be
available soon. He requested that all previously issued copies be returned ASAP.
New revised plans will be distributed on a sign out basis to provide for future updating.
Donated funds to offset the printing costs have been: $1,000 from the Fire Chiefs
Association, $500 from the Fire Prevention Office. Rich plans to have the WPP on the
web site when revisions are completed.
Rich explained a National Forest Foundation grant for $15,000 for
Grizzly Flats. EDUSFS is supportive. The purpose is to provide funds to operate the
Grizzly Flats Fire Safe Council, funds to maintain and improve existing and relocated
Caldor railroad track beds for trails. The Eagle Ditch trail from Grizzly Flats to
North Canyon may also be included.
Rich reported the audit progress. He and Vicki are providing the
auditor with information of how records are maintained, funds received and dispersed.
The auditor has submitted a list of copies of records she will need to prepare for the
audit. Copies of the list were given to the BOD. Rich added that the auditor is advising
how to maintain better records and adopt better procedures. Vicki added that a BOD
policies and procedure book will eventually need to be developed.
Vicki advised the BOD that she has not received any responses to the
RSPs for the Grizzly Flats CWPP and Sly Park Corridor CAP. She has contacted three
contractors who have stated that they will not bid. Tom Mahach stated that he intends
to submit a bid for the Sly Park Corridor CAP. He advised the BOD that he will resign
from the EDCFSC BOD if his bid is successful. His resignation would eliminate any
conflict of interest. He believes he is qualified to complete the CAP requirements.
Vicki will contact qualified persons to encourage them to bid on the CWPP for Grizzly
Flats. The time constraints are not as limited for the CWPP as for the CAP. She is
scheduling a meeting with BOD and GFFSC representatives for May 4, 2005 to review CWPP
and RSP response(s).
Vicki reviewed attending the National Rural Counties and Schools
Collation Conference held in Sparks, Nevada. The conference was in preparation for
planning to reestablish Title I and Title III funding from which EDCFSC receives Title
III funds. She stated that conference members are optimistic that legislation will be
passed to continue existing funding. Her goal was to demonstrate what the EDCFSC has
been able to do with the Title III funds received.
The Home and Garden show was discussed. Redwood and Ponderosa Pine
seedlings will be given away at the PG&E/EDCFSC booth. PG&E had donated $1500 for
advertisement for the show. An EDCFSC insert is scheduled to be in the newspaper May
6th. The Safety Fair will be held in the Wal Mart parking lot May 7th 9:00a.m.-3:00p.m.
Vicki will be at Salt Lake City May 16th -18th attending a grant-writing workshop.
USFS is funding training course cost. Vicki asked that BOD approve expenditure of airfare
cost. Len Newell proposed a motion to approve expenditure of airfare costs for Vicki to
attend the grant-training course at Salt Lake City. Seconded by Joan Jennings. Approved
by all present.
Len Newell described some of his recent experiences regarding Prop.
40 funding and grant requests. He indicated that there is some confusion if applications
will be processed by CDF as a block or an individual basis. Directors explained that Prop.
40 funding was originally designated for water clarity and expanded to water shed projects.
There is some confusion as to funds being used for projects in the delta areas or within
the rural watershed areas.
Vicki is continuously trying to secure funds for the Senior Assistance
program. She has $13,000 Title III funds for administrative purposes but no funds for
operations. She has received many phone calls requesting assistance by seniors and disabled
persons. Tom suggested contacting service organizations involved with community support.
Vicki needs suggestions and/or referrals prior to May 20th.
Vicki stated that the EDBOS approved the Multihazard Mitigation Plan on
the 29th of March.
Vicki informed the BOD that a Legislative tour organized through the
California Wood Products Industry would tour project areas and the Fred's fire area. The
tour should take place during mid May. She encourages BOD to be involved. She will e-mail
a schedule of all up coming events.
Ray Griffiths stated that he is in the process of amending the Georgetown
CAP to include fire protection information. He asked for available documented related fire
prevention information. It was recommended to use information now available on the web site
and add evacuation plans.
The Chipper Program is working well with Mountain Firewood. Vicki has
received approximately two dozen requests on line. There are about 10-12 per week being
processed. Vicki has vouchers for green waste disposal. She is maintaining a record to
show where they are issued. They are good for one pickup load of green waste material.
Rich has redefined the parcel maps on the web site to show residence and
vacant parcels by outline instead of gold stars. The gold outline shows residence and the
dark outline shows vacant. He believes that real estate sales persons will want to purchase
these maps. He asked the BOD to consider purchasing a GPS. He stated that some grants now
require GPS. He believes this request will increase in the future. He has researched and
determined that the cost would be between $600 and $700. The item will be placed on
the May agenda with additional information for discussion and action.
Tom announced that Sly Park is scheduled to get fire hydrants. However,
the funding has been diverted. Efforts are being made to redirect funds to install the hydrants.
Vicki described difficult process of transferring title of donated vehicle
from PG&E to EDCFSC. The transfer has been completed.
Submitted by: Walt Tyler, Secretary, EDCFSC