Fire Safe Council Board of Directors Meeting
2840 Mt. Danaher Road, Camino, CA
CDF Conference Room
March 16, 2005

Acting Chair Tom Mahach called the meeting to order at approximately 10:00 a.m. Directors and guests present were: Len Newell, Lori Tuthill, Ray Griffiths, Janet Gastaldi, Mary Cornelison, Rich Englefield (Treasurer), Walt Tyler (Secretary), Allen Jaeger (Guest), Jana Newman (Coordinator).

A proposed motion to approve the agenda as submitted was made by Ray Griffiths with frequency of audit to be discussed under item 11, Old Business. Second by Rich Englefield. Approved by all present.

A proposed motion was made by Len Newell to approve the minutes of 2-16-05 as submitted. Second by Mary Cornelison. Approved by all present.

Rich Englefield, Treasurer, stated that he was not ready to give a complete report but would have a report available at the 3-23-05 meeting of the EDCFSC. Vicki and Rich are providing records necessary for the auditor to complete her work. The audit will be for '03-'04. Difficulties with format of receiving information through e-mail from Vicki were discussed. Website update was explained by Rich. He is making information more readily accessible and easier to find. He expects contacts to increase significantly as fire season approaches. Ray's vegetation page is very popular and receives many contacts. Tom suggested that local nurseries be contacted to set up demonstration plots of fire resistant plants that are available and grow locally. The nurseries could then be added to the website. Rich described the disclaimer that he was recommending be the same as one used by Nevada County. He also recommended that a Contractors page be developed similar to one used by Nevada County. Ray Griffiths proposed a motion to proceed with the disclaimer and contractors page format as presented by Rich. Second by Len Newell. Approved by all present.

Tom reviewed the Executive Coordinator's report. Copies of the response to the Grand Jury inquiry had been circulated to the Directors previously. The inquiry demonstrates the need for Fire Safe Councils to establish procedures for accurate and complete records initially.

Jana explained that she had researched the development of biomass utilization and the cost of implementation would be excessive. Consideration of availability of materials, transportation, development of drop off sites at approximately $150,000 each must be included. Green Waste Vouchers have been sent out by Waste Management. Sierra Disposal and Amador Disposal did not issue vouchers. The EDCFSC is purchasing 2500 vouchers to be distributed. Tom stated that he would have Vicki put Biomass Discussion on the 3-23-05 EDCFSC agenda. It was agreed that ideas regarding biomass and green waste disposal need more consideration.

Rich reported that he and Jana had decided to put the Chipping Request form on the web site. This should speed up the process while contributing to the database and being directly available to Vicki for processing.

Tom passed around the two printing bids (Imperial Printing and Sierra Gold) for review. Discussion of RFPs for Grizzly Flats CWPP and Sly Park Corridor CAP was opened. It was noted that a CAP for Grizzly Flats has already been completed and much of the information included can be used in the CWPP. It was suggested that replacement values of property and residences be considered for follow up within the CWPP and CAP. Reference to agencies that are able to provide follow up services could be included. Len questioned if Vicki is going to be responsible for submitting paper work for these proposals? Contracts, etc.? Who will oversee implementation? It was agreed that member(s) of the GFFSC would be a part of the development and implementation of the CWPP. It was presumed that Vicki would lead the development and administration of the proposal. The EDCFSC would make final decision of contract. Len volunteered to draft guidelines to assist with contractor selection process. Tom summarized conformation of process to get to final plan once Vicki has issued request: (1) Step by step process to get to final step (completion) confirmed by EDCFSC. (2) Conformation that Vicki is the administrator of the contract. (3) Define the role of GFFSC. (4) Selection criteria (Len). (5) Review by Bill Wright, Lawyer.

Tom indicated that the only major difference between the completed Grizzly Flats CAP and the proposed Sly Park CAP is that Grizzly Flats has identity as a community. There is a diversity of needs within the Sly Park area. There has been fire protection and defense work completed within the corridor and around the lake. A major problem will be timing for coordination with the Fire District and other agencies due to approaching fire season. Much of the construction and planning is 40-50 years old without emphasis of fire safety for roads, roofs, evacuation, etc. It may be difficult to get a working organization of residents together for this proposal.

Ray Griffiths discussed Registered Professional Forester (RPF) and recommended that reference and information of what RPFs do and are responsible for be placed on the web site. Landowners should be aware of responsibilities and requirements for services performed by a RPF. Some of the information may be included or referenced to during development of policies within the EDC General Plan.

Tom referred to the printing bids. Funds are available for the printing. There was no additional discussion. Rich Englefield proposed a motion to accept the bid from Sierra Gold Graphics, Inc., 289 Placerville Drive, CA, 95667, for the sum of $2,520.00. Second by Ray Griffiths. Approved by all present.

There was general confusion and discussion regarding where the EDCFSC meeting of 3-23-05 would be held. It was decided that the meeting location would be at 2350 Carson Rd. Tom stated that he would see that more complete directions to the site would be provided. Meeting adjourned.

Submitted by Walt Tyler, EDCFSC Secretary