February 23, 2005
1:00 p.m. - 3:00 p.m.
The meeting was opened by Vicki Yorty, Executive Coordinator, at
approximately 1:00 p.m. Persons present were: Tom Mahach (Acting Chair), Jody
Armstrong, Jennifer Boyd, Mary Cornelison (Director), Richard Englefield
(Treasurer), Ray Griffiths (Director), Marty Hackett, Dick Harrell, Penny
Humphreys, Joan Jennings (Director), Susan McKenzie, Gene Murphy, Len Newell
(Director), Fred Ott, Ed/Audrey Pomato, Barbara Rebiskie, Bill Robinson, Jim
Stewart, Walt Tyler (Secretary), Allen Jaeger, Laura Hierholzer, Aaron Bowman,
Denice Rice, Valerie Hendon, Tad Mason, Bob Krieg.
A motion was proposed by Len Newell to approve the agenda as
submitted. Second by Joan Jennings. Approved by all present.
A correction to the 1-26-05 (page 2) minutes was noted by Joan
Jennings. The minutes should indicate that Barbara Rebiskie and Jennifer Boyd (USFS)
and Terri Mizuhara (CDF) will work with Jana Newman on the newspaper insert. Not Joan.
A motion to approve the 1-26-05 minutes with the correction was made by Len Newell
and second by Rich Englefield. Approved by all present.
Rich Englefield gave the Treasurer's Report. He will have a formal
report available at the next Board meeting for the Directors to determine what information
they would like to review monthly. Final tax forms are complete and ready for signature
and submittal with payment. Vicki and Rich will coordinate with auditor to start audit
process. Web site has been updated. Maps are available. Current parcel information is
available with the maps.
Tom Mahach gave the Board of Directors meeting report. He reported
that the Board had approved contracting for the audit. Sign up sheets for the Home and
Garden show were available and the group had decided to wait until Vicki was available to
provide more information before completing. As a result of a request by Ray Griffiths for
information regarding the EDCFSC involvement with the development of the proposed EDC
General Plan, Tom prepared a response available to all interested. He gave a brief
overview of his response.
Vicki Yorty gave the Executive Coordinator report. She described the
donation of a 1996 Ford Bronco to the EDCFSC by PG&E for use by the Executive Coordinator
instead of her personal vehicle for Council business. Big Thanks to PG&E! Dick
Harrell reported that the Wildfire Protection Plan had been completed, signed, and submitted
to the EDC Board of Supervisors. Bids are being submitted for printing copies when approved
to be distributed to supporting agencies. Some funds for printing costs have been designated.
The OES Disaster Mitigation Plan will be supported by the Wildfire Protection Plan. The
March meeting location may have to be changed due to STAR training. An "off site" meeting
is being planned at Mosquito for April. Vicki will give follow up information via e-mail.
Vicki reviewed Concept Papers and what had been submitted. She believes that amount of
proposals submitted by agencies for funds have doubled. Proposals of Logtown, Auburn Lake
Trails, Chrome Ridge, Volcanoville/Quintette, EDCFSC including Chipping Program, were briefly
reviewed. The Chipping Program is working very well but is slow this time of year. Mountain
Firewood (Contractor) is doing scheduling, which is working well. Vicki reviewed her
attendance at the National Fire Plan conference at Albuquerque NM. Information gained will
help EDCFSC be aware of what is happening with councils throughout the nation. EDCFSC now
has an office at Camino CDF and a phone line (530-647-1700) has been installed. Volunteers
will be needed to staff the office at least on a part time basis. Vicki will develop a
schedule. Rich is donating a computer. Sign up sheets for the Home and Garden show were
distributed. PG&E is donating bare root tree seedlings and $1500.00 for promotional
advertising. Thanks PG&E! Ideas for the newspaper insert were discussed. Vicki
would like to see new and/or different content and format.
Marty Hackett (OES) gave an overview of current happenings of the Freds
Fire area. Studies by various agencies have been made but snow cover make assessments
regarding potential landslides and excessive erosion difficult. There is a potential for
mudslides that could close the highway. EDC geologists are monitoring the area carefully.
He described the recently installed teleminded telephone identification system. A specific
area can be identified and a phone message relayed to all telephones in the area. It will be
used to alert residents of a disaster and keep them informed. Marty stated that it is the
goal of OES to establish CERT teams in all of the communities identified as needing emergency
response capabilities. On going CERT training is being conducted through OES. Todd Crawford
is the training coordinator and can provide a schedule of planned training. Disaster
Mitigation Plan is being developed. Must be in place to receive disaster assistance grant
funding. An information sheet about terrorist activity, identification and information was
passed around.
Laura Hierholzer (USFS) gave an overview of the progress and proposals by
USFS for the Freds Fire and Road Runner projects. Restoration proposals and community
responses have been made. Primary concern is salvage of dead or damaged trees without
additional damage to terrain. Results of restoration proposals indicate that trees will be
removed by helicopter and habitat areas will be preserved.
Roundtable discussion followed with comments of current events and Fire
Safe Council progress within their communities. Gene Murphy asked if the EDCFSC was planning
to seek grant funds from available Biomass funding. Fred Ott advised that residents should
make sure that out building structures were adequately insured as well as their residence.
Barbara Rebiskie gave a brief overview of the Senior program and an academy that will take
place at Sierra Springs. Allen Jaeger reported that Logtown now has seven members in its
Fire Safe Council.
Submitted by: Walt Tyler, Secretary, EDCFSC