Fire Safe Council Board of Directors Meeting
February 16, 2005
Gold Hill Fire Station
10:00 a.m.-12:00 p.m.
The meeting was opened at approximately 10:15 by Tom Mahach,
Acting Chair. Directors and guest present were: Ray Griffiths (Director),
Allen Jaeger (Guest), Lori Tuthill (Director), Janet Gastaldi
(Director), Joan Jennings (Director), Mary Cornelison (Director),
Richard Englefield (Treasurer), Walt Tyler (Secretary), Len Newell
A motion was proposed by Mary Tuthill to approve the agenda as submitted.
Second by Ray Griffiths. Approved by all Directors present.
The Chair requested a motion to approve the January 19, 2005 EDCFSC
BOD minutes. The following additions, corrections, deletions were proposed: Correct the
spelling of "Tuttle" to Tuthill, page 1, paragraph 3. Change last sentence of second
paragraph, page 2 to read: Len agreed that a change might not be immediately necessary
since the current Board had already agreed (remove "acted") not to contract
with Directors for services. Paragraph 5 of page 3: Change letter abbreviations of
Golden West Community Services District from "GWCSC" to GWCSD. Mary Tuthill
proposed a motion to approve the minutes as corrected with additions. Mary Cornelison
second. Tom Mahach abstained due to absence 1-19-05. Approved by all other Directors
Rich made the Treasurer's report. He reported that financial records
from '02 through '04 are up to date. Efforts to develop "read only" communication between
bookkeeper and financial agencies are being made. There were no objections to the bookkeeper
having "read only" access to EDCFSC financial accounts. Monthly financial reports should be
available for BOD review soon. Tom added that it would be beneficial to have knowledge of
availability of received grant funds. Sometimes funds are not received timely and there is
a need to make adjustments. Len added that due to recent inquiries regarding Title III
funds, Directors need to be aware of all financial transactions. Tom reported that he had
met with Vicki and Rich recently to discuss and review financial transactions plus sign
expenditure checks. It was agreed that the "pre check" meeting was a good idea and should
continue. Smith Maloney Accountancy Corp. has completed the draft of the 2003 Federal Return
of Organization Exempt from Income Tax due on or before 5-16-2005 and is ready for signatures.
Len questioned the term "independent" used in the Smith Maloney letter. Rich will research
and report by next meeting.
Rich presented two letters from Jeanine S. Mays, Certified Public
Accountant, 4120 Cameron Park Drive, Suite 301, Cameron Park, CA 95682. Tel. 530-676-4455.
She has agreed to perform an audit for EDCFSC. The first letter gave qualifications and
references. The second letter describes in detail how she will perform the audit. Cost of
the audit is $2700.00. The audit will include records from the latter part of 2002 through
6-30-04. The cost proposed is for the current audit not future audits. Len asked for
frequency requirements to have audits of Federal grants. He asked that audit schedule
be placed on the March agenda for discussion/action.
Work on the audit can start 4-15-05. Rich stated that he had surveyed
the local area for an auditor since none were listed in the local phone directory. He
searched listings under Accountants, Business Consultants/Services, Insurance Consultants,
Inventory, Real Est. Consultants or Tax Consultants. He contacted seven accounting firms
and almost all recommended Jeanine Mays, CPA. She has significant experience with
non-profit organizations and was the only respondent with those qualifications.
Contacts made: |
Able Business Services, Placerville (Mays was recommended)
K. Campbell, Placerville (No recommendation)
Carol Russell's Bookkeeping, Diamond Sprigs (Mays was recommended)
Classic Business Service, Placerville (Only know one in the area - Mays)
Dixon and Dixon, Pollock Pines (Mays was recommended)
Quality Business Services, Placerville (Mays was recommended)
Smith Maloney Accountancy Corp., Placerville (Mays recommended) |
Ray Griffiths proposed a motion to have Jeanine Mays, CPA, perform the
audit for the fee of $2700.00. Second by Joan Jennings. Approved by all Directors
Rich reported progress and changes of the web site. He asked that everyone
check information available and advise him if changes or additions are necessary. The site
is professional not commercial. He will add disclaimers as necessary. Ray said that he has
been asked when is a Forester needed? He said it would be helpful if this information was
available on the web site and interested persons could be referred to the site. Rich stated
that this information may be available already and he would research and report at the next
meeting. EDCFSC Director personal e-mail addresses are not available on the EDCFSC web site.
Tom reported for Executive Coordinator since Vicki is attending the National
Fire Safe Council Conference. The summary of El Dorado County clearinghouse proposals was
reviewed. It was noted that the EDC BOS unanimously endorsed the proposals. A letter of
support was submitted. Vicki had made a request for volunteers for the Camino office but is
not clear if the help is to open the office or to staff the office. Postponed until next week
when Vicki returns. Letter to PG&E regarding funding for purchasing ads in the Mountain
Democrat for advertising of the El Dorado County Home and Garden Show (April 22-24, 2005)
dated 2-8-05 was reviewed. Sign up sheet for volunteers to work the EDCFSC booth was passed
around. Tom will ask Vicki for an update of the Wildfire Protection Plan for next week.
Ray asked Tom if he could provide references to the policies referred to
within the memorandum of 2-14-05 referring to the 2004 General Plan Fire Safe policies. Tom
stated that he could provide that information.
Submitted by: Walt Tyler, EDCFSC Secretary