January 26, 2005
1:00 p.m. - 3:00 p.m.
The meeting was opened by Vicki Yorti, Executive Coordinator, at
approximately 1:00 p.m. Persons present were: Roy Austin, Maria Capraun, Bill and
Claire Cave, Mary Cornelison (Director), Joan Darling, Marge Dodrill, Richard
Englefield (Treasurer), Ray Grifiths (Director), Penny Humphreys, Allen
Jaeger, Joan Jennings (Director), Tom Mahach (Vice-Chair), Teri Mizuhara,
Gene Murphy, Audrey Pomato, Barbara Rebiskie, Bill Robinson, Garrett Simmons, Jim
Stewart, Dennis Thibault, Walt Tyler (Secretary), Bev Dollar, Wendy West,
Bill Bergen, Jan Bergen, Lynn Walder, Fred Vaterletner, Robert Mayorga.
Vicki proposed that the agenda be modified to eliminate item 10 since
Laura Hierholzer could not attend this meeting. She will be rescheduled for Feb. '05.
Mary Cornelison proposed a motion to approve the agenda as modified and Gene Murphy
seconded. Approved by all present.
Minutes of the November 17th and December 8th FSC meetings were
distributed prior the meeting. No changes or additions noted. Joan Jennings proposed
that the minutes be approved as submitted and Teri Mizuhara seconded. Approved by
all present.
Rich gave the Treasurer's report. The bookkeeper is on board and
has all necessary information and records to begin submitting reports by February. A
copy of Quick Books has been purchased. An extension for filing non-profit organization
taxes has been submitted to allow time for auditing. Contracted services have increased
from $42,000 to $242,000 during past year and Vicki will submit required information and
forms to IRS by Jan. 31, '05.
Walt gave the FSC Board of Directors report since Tom was absent from
the 1-26-05 meeting due to illness. Walt reviewed the proposed meeting minutes for the
report. Vicki has met with Laura Gill to resolve issues regarding Title III funds.
Contracts for Vicki and Jana have been completed and signed. Contracts are effective
through 12-31-05 and renewable by mutual agreement. Jana's new title is Special Projects
Coordinator. She will fill in behind Vicki as necessary. Vicki was successful in getting
$20,000 from EDCBOS to match with BLM funds for Chipping contract work. Wildfire
Protection Plan has been reviewed and endorsed by USFS, CDF, and Chiefs' Association is
expected to endorse soon. No significant changes. Vicki has been requested by CDF Chief
Holms for a summary of EDCFSC participation in development of the General Plan. Vicki
will develop summary and present to BOD for review. Proposed grant requests were briefly
reviewed. Grant request support letters must be received (faxed) to clearing house prior
to receipt of grant application. Overview of the proposed development of a combination
emergency vehicle and community center building to be built on USDF property at Grizzly
Flats was presented. Motion was approved by all present to have Vicki submit a letter
of support by EDCFSC to Supervisor Baumann.
Vicki added that Chief Holms has been directed to become more involved
in local planning as reason for requesting General Plan participation summary. Tom gave
an overview of the presentations, professional contributions, and testimonies by Directors
and consultants during development and BOS approval of the proposed General Plan. He
believes that the plan supports fire prevention and organized development with defensible
fire space. Vicki believes that the summary of involvement will be very useful if the
voters reject the proposed General Plan and the process must be started over.
Rich explained that maps are available on web site for review and
Vicki will represent EDCFSC regarding Title III funds to be considered
by BOS 2-1-05. Regional Coalition of Rural Counties has determined that Title III funds
cannot be used for "on the ground" project use. She has checked with other councils
throughout the state and their opinion is that chipper programs are educational because
of the pamphlets and other information that is given to the property owner when the
chipping is done. Green waste voucher program is still a go but more planning is needed.
Senior Assistance/Disabled Program is out at this time. Vicki will pursue funding form
local industries for this valuable program.
Jana will be doing special projects and working with Joan on the
newspaper insert to be ready by 4-15-05 deadline. The Wildfire Protection Plan has been
approved by CDF and USFS. After approval by FCA it will be submitted to BOS.
Rich explained what he and Allen Jaeger had learned at a recent FEMA
conference regarding need and preparation for EDC Mitigation Plan.
Vicki is applying for an extension of the Sly Park Corridor CAP. She
will be submitting a RFP for a coordinator of the Sly Park Corridor CAP and the Community
Wildfire Protection Plan for Grizzly Flats.
Vicki advised that, as 2-1-05 there will be a telephone for EDCFSC at
Mt. Danaher CDF. There will be an office open to the public for information and a place
to store records.
Bill Cave initiated discussion regarding how to get more information to
the public and more participation with the Chipper Program. Vicki believes that the word
"free" gets the most attention.
Vicki reviewed the BLM project Accomplishment form that she submitted
with her final report. Noted was that 79,945 people had received information regarding
projects and services.
Representatives made a presentation from Chrome Ridge regarding a Concept
Paper. A primary concern is that existing roads only provide one way in and one way out.
Expanding roads, fuel reduction and gating as necessary is estimated at approximately
$71,000. Estimated cost of future maintenance should be included. Right of ways through
private properties could be a problem. Some folks may not want any traffic through their
property. A survey should be made to determine road access prior to submitting grant
requests. It was suggested that a planning grant for a CAP be the first step followed by
a fuel reduction grant request.
Bill and Claire Cave gave an overview of current and proposed projects
in Auburn Lake Trails. A 50/50 matching funding for defensible space fuel reduction is
proposed for 110 parcels. The previous green waste disposal was a fire hazard and shut
down. It is proposed that a centralized chipping location be developed. There is a problem
with maintenance of the firebreak since the brush is coming back rapidly. CDF advised that
even if undesirable materials return within the fuel break, fires would still be kept low.
Controlled burning to clear a fuel break can be utilized at reasonable cost to maintain a
fuel break. Also proposed is brush clearing along evacuation routes.
Mary Cornelison reported that new water storage tanks for fire
suppression are being requested. Estimated that tanks and site preparation will be
approximately $76,000. Rich added that funding for the fire tanks might be available
through FEMA. He also suggested that all that can attend the FEMA training session to
learn what the requirements are for FEMA grant applications. The applications must meet
the requirements exactly or they will be thrown out.
Alan Jaeger reported that he is attempting to develop a FSC in the
Logtown area and then a CAP, which will identify an evacuation route(s). He is initially
proposing $35,000 with community support. He is also proposing a road widening with
emergency vehicle turn around and vegetation clearance. Vicki advised that competition for
funds are increasing but don't be discouraged if a project is not funded.
Vicki reported that she has been advised that the 100' defensible space
will eventually be enforced but not this year. More planning and procedures are needed.
Allen added that the 30' clearance would include approximately 2700 sq. ft. The 100'
clearance would include approximately 31,000 sq. ft.
Vicki indicated that she was going to use some Title III funds for
public outreach at Outingdale. Prior to a grant request for road improvement and evacuation
plan, a public information effort needs to be implemented with differences of opinion resolved.
Bill Cave spoke of the CERT organizations and how they support evacuation
and other efforts by EDCFSC.
Mosquito is proposing $142,000 for continuation of evacuation project.
Barbara Rebiskie reported on the defensible space conference held
recently. There was good participation and another program is being planned for April or
May. Vicki suggested that the program be video taped for showing at local FSC meetings.
Joan Darling gave a presentation and passed around a booklet describing
reflective residence identification addresses, where the signs and materials can be purchased
and basics for installation. These reflective numerical signs are recommended by the various
fire districts. Walt added that residence addresses should be located where they would not
be covered by snow removal equipment. When attached to marketable trees, aluminum nails,
screws, bolts, etc., must be used to attach.
Rich advised that maps should be included with requests so that the
funding agency can determine the location of the proposed project. Maps are available
through EDC GIS Department.
Barbara reported that a Safety Fair would be held May 7th at Wal Mart.
She also reported that USDF is celebrating its 100th anniversary this year. She is the
local coordinator. CDF is also celebrating their 100th anniversary this year.
Joan Jennings reported that a New Comers group has started in Garden
Valley. It is a social group but can include information regarding EDCFSC activities.
CDF Garrett Simmons advised that maps showing various fire hazard levels
were being reviewed and revised as necessary. This is in conjunction with the 100'
defensive clearance requirements. CDF is responsible to revise and maintain these maps.
Revised maps will be more to scale and better able to define specific areas.
Barbara (USFS) and Teri (CDF) have been presenting slide presentations
to senior and other groups to promote fire safety. Deaths of seniors over age of 65 from
fire are astronomical. Requests for presentations can be submitted to Barbara or Teri.
Garden Valley Fire is updating maps to verify addresses, streets/roads,
and parcel numbers to be used for emergency responses and inspections.
Bob Krieg reported that the Grizzly Flat FSC Newsletter was distributed
during 12-04. Additional evacuation plans are being distributed to new residents. Judi
Irwin, CERT volunteer and FSC member went to Florida to help.
Roy Austin reported that he now has access to "hundreds" of goats.
Things are slow now. Business will pick up March-April.
Rich reported on current and proposed vegetation removal projects.
Submitted by: Walt Tyler, EDCFSC Secretary