El Dorado County Fire Safe Council Board of Directors Meeting
January 19, 2005
Gold Hill Fire Station
10:00 a.m.-12:00p.m.
The meeting was opened at approximately 10:15 a.m. by Vicki Yorty,
Executive Coordinator. Directors and guests attending were: Walt Tyler
(Secretary), Len Newell (Director), Rich Englefield (Treasurer),
Martha Englefield, Joan Jennings (Director), Allen Jaeger, Ray Griffiths
(Director), Janet Gastaldi (Director), Lori Tuthill (Director).
A motion was proposed by Ray Griffiths and seconded by Len Newell
to approve the Agenda as submitted. Approved by all Directors present.
A motion was proposed by Ray Griffiths to approve the 11-10-04 EDCFSC
Board of Directors minutes as written. Seconded by Lori Tuttle. Approved by all
Directors present.
Rich Englefield gave the Treasurer's Report. Transfer of records and
information to the bookkeeper continues and should be completed soon. Some difficulties
have developed with electronic transfer of information. Rich has located a local Auditor
and is asking for additional referrals. Emphasis of qualifications should be experience
with nonprofit organizations. Rich expects to be able to produce financial reports by
the next meeting and have them available through the web site in the future. Vicki
explained that management of funds has expanded from approximately $46,000 to over
$324,000 last fiscal year. She is upgrading her capabilities and with the help of
Rich, bookkeeper, auditor, believes she can keep up with requirements. Not knowing when
checks will arrive for processing continues to be a problem. There is a definite need
to complete and record an audit as soon as possible.
Ray Griffiths indicated that there was a need to respond to corrections
and/or omissions to our web site. Rich replied that he is working on a method so he
doesn't have to redesign the whole format. Vicki and Rich reviewed the number of "hits"
on our web site and the hits have steadily increased.
Vicki described her meeting with Laura Gill, Chief Administrative Officer
of EDC, who had indicated that there was a complaint that EDCFSC was in violation of the
Brown Act and she also wanted to be advised of circumstances of Rich Englefield's
involvement with the Senior Assistance Program. Laura agreed to handle the Brown Act
complaint since EDCFSC is not a public elected organization and the Brown Act doesn't
apply. Vicki asked Rich to prepare memo describing his involvement with the Senior
Assistance Program to be sent to Laura Gill. Since this issue involved Title III funds,
Vicki produced a complete record of all Title III transactions-expenses paid to
Englefield and Company for Senior & Disabled Assistance and Chipper Programs . Memo
and spreadsheet were reviewed by Directors. Bylaws and policies at the time Englefield
& Company received funds allowed a Director to be a contractor for EDCFSC. Vicki
requested a motion by the Board to allow her to communicate with EDC CAO to resolve the
issue. Lori Tuthill proposed a motion to allow Vicki to discuss and attempt to resolve
the issue with EDC CAO Laura Gill. Seconded by Joan Jennings. Approved by all
Directors present.
Len Newell asked if it was necessary to change the Bylaws to exclude
Directors from being contractors for EDCFSC? Vicki replied that the Board should make
that decision and a change would be lengthy. It may be best to review all policies and
Bylaws, make necessary changes, and submit to necessary agencies at one time. Len
agreed that a change might not be immediately necessary since the Board had already
acted not to contract with Directors for services.
Rich described the conference that he and Allen Jaeger attended with
OES & FEMA. He stated that he had learned that prior to requesting funds from FEMA there
must be an approved Mitigation Plan. He met another participant who had an approved plan
for Alpine County and the format could be used for El Dorado County. He suggests that
EDCFSC support OES efforts and services. Funds are available if procedures are followed
Vicki informed the Board that the EDCBOS has recently agreed to
centralize the GIS services. Rich used a map to review proposed vegetation clearing
along Grizzly Flat and other roads in Grizzly Flat area. Estimates of cost and planning
to be completed. He reviewed the Last Chance project and reported that vegetation removal
and "pot hole" repair had been completed along Caps Crossing Road. A Last Ridge project
is scheduled for spring '05 on 1700 acres adjacent to Caps Crossing.
Vicki reported that contract amendments for Jana and herself were
completed and ready for signature. Both amendments extend the contract date to through
12-31-05 and renewable upon mutual agreement. Jana's contract services was amended from
Chipper Coordinator to Special Projects Coordinator. She has agreed to fill in if Vicki
is absent. The Board had previously agreed not to convert the two positions from contract
to employee primarily due to increased cost. Ray Griffiths proposed a motion to approve
the changes in the contracts as described by Vicki. Janet Gastaldi seconded the motion.
(The contracts/amendments were available for review.) Approved by all Directors
Vicki advised that the Chipping Program was almost at a stand still
at this time of year. Senior Assistance Program is out until additional funding is secured.
She did receive $20,000 from EDCBOS, which will be matched with BLM funds for Chipping
contract work. She has scheduled $40,000 of Title III funds for the green waste
vouchers and $40,000 for education, public information and administration. She will
seek private funding for the Senior Assistance Program. The Board of Forestry has indicated
follow through on the new law requiring 100 feet of defensible space clearing but no
information regarding enforcement or funding. Len suggested that EDCFSC support 50 feet
clearance with the homeowner responsible for the additional 50 feet.
Vicki provided a summary of Fire Safe Council Title III projects. The
summary included previously approved, on going as of January 2005, and 2005 projects. She
added that she purchased a printer capable of producing required maps for proposals, plans,
etc., at a lower cost. Some things have been moved into the new office at Mt. Danaher but
more decisions have to be made regarding phones, Internet, meeting space, etc. Rich has
volunteered to donate two computers and a computer desk.
Wildfire Protection Plan has been reviewed and endorsed by USFS. CDF
and Fire Chiefs' Association is expected to endorse shortly. There are some minor suggested
changes but nothing that can't be dealt with. OES is anxious to get the signatures for
their submittal of our plan as part of the County Multi-Hazard Mitigation Plan.
Vicki met with CDF Chief Bill Holms who has requested a summary of the
EDCFSC participation in the development of the General Plan. This is the result of CDF
being required to participate in local planning. She will present her summary to the Board
for review and to decide what position, if any, the Board will take on the proposed General
Plan. Director's comments indicate that EDCFSC should not become politically involved with
this issue.
Vicki is doing three grants for the clearinghouse including an updated
version for the Chipper Program, FSC operations and a possible CAP for Outingdale. Len is
working on a proposal to complete the evacuation fuels project for Mosquito and a request for
public information funding.
Allen Jaeger described efforts for proposed requests for an evacuation
plan and CAP for Logtown area. Golden West Community Services District (GWCSC) and
Diamond-El Dorado Fire District are supportive. He has a draft letter of support from
GWCSC and Vicki stated that all letters of support must be faxed to be on record prior to
receipt of grant requests. Receipt deadline is 2-04-05. Len questioned if individual
landowners must submit letters of support when matching funds are involved for large area
projects. Vicki will research. Allen has recruited persons willing to become involved
within a Logtown FSC.
Walt gave an overview of the proposed development of a combination
emergency vehicle and community center building to be built on USDF property at Grizzly
Flats. Supervisor Bauman has requested that letters of support be sent to her for referral
to U.S. Representative Doolittle. Ray Griffiths proposed a motion to have Vicky draft a
letter to Supervisor Baumann stating EDCFSC support. Len Newell seconded. Approved by
all Directors present.
Submitted by Walt Tyler, EDCFSC Secretary