El Dorado County Fire Safe Council
Board of Directors
Meeting Minutes November 10, 2004
Gold Hill Fire Station 10:00 a.m.-12:00 p.m.
Jana Newman welcomed everyone and made introductions. Board
members and guests present at the meeting were: Tom Mahach (Vice-Chair), Walt
Tyler (Secretary), Richard Englefield (Treasurer), Vicki Yorty (Executive
Coordinator), Janet Gastaldi, Joan Jennings, Ray Griffiths, Lori Tuthill, Gene
Murphy (consultant), Allen Jager (Guest).
Jana distributed a list of companies that had responded with bids
for Chipping Program and/or Senior Assistance/Disabled Services. All bidders were
discussed and ranked by cost, quality of previous services, dependability, availability,
and ability to perform required services. Ray Griffiths proposed a motion to accept
the following bidders:
Chipping Contractors Mountain Enterprises P.O.Box 1040 Lotus, CA 95651 Fire Stop 3240 Pondorado Road Camino, CA 95709 (Back up) Hilltop Tree Service 2561 Hoot Owl Ravine Placerville, CA 95667
Senior Assistance/Disabled Fire Stop 3240 Pondorado Road Camino, CA 95709 Remote Resources P.O. Box 7 Georgetown, CA 95634 Mountain Enterprises Box 1040 Lotus, CA 95651 Motherlode Rehabilitation Enterprises 399 Placerville Drive Placerville, CA 95667 (Back up) Hilltop Tree Service 2561 Hoot Owl Ravine Placerville, CA 95667 |
The motion was seconded by Tom Mahach. Approved by all Directors
Rich Englefield reported that although there are still some problems
getting the financial format and recording of accounts completed, he is confident that
the problems will be solved soon.
Vicki requested that the Personnel Committee meet at 12:00 noon on
11-17-04 prior to the EDCFSC meeting. Committee members agreed. She also confirmed
that the EDCFSC Board meetings would held on the 3rd Wednesday of the month and EDCFS
Council meetings would be held on the 4th Wednesday of each month unless rescheduling
was necessary.
Jana asked for assistance to determine how to proceed to implement
the 100' fire protection clearance as it affects the Senior Assistance and Disabled
Program. There has been no information from CDF regarding the implementation of S.B.
1369. Vicki indicated that we may have some CDF input by the 11-17-04 EDCFSC meeting.
Jana also asked for direction regarding follow up services for the Senior Assistance and
Disabled Program since she has approximately 140 previous applicants who received
services. It was decided that applications would be sent to the applicants who had
received services advising them that if they desired current assistance it would be
provided at a limited basis. Heavy clearing would not be provided since it had been
completed previously. Light maintenance clearing and cleaning would be performed.
Jana proposed that a defensible space training class be developed
and that it be mandated for all contractors involved in developing defensible space by
EDCFSC attend. Funding for the class be from the Senior Assistance and Disabled Program.
She requested that the 1st class be during January '05 and work orders not be submitted
to contractors until they attend. Jana would coordinate the class and possibly utilize
USFS staff and our consultants as resources. Proposal to initiate defensible space
training for contractors moved by Tom Mahach and second by Ray Griffiths. Approved
by all Directors present.
Jana explained that she is having difficulty getting reports of work
completed from the contractors. It is necessary to compile records of what has been done
for current and future reference. She proposes that contractors be eliminated if they
do not submit on a timely basis required completion reports. Directors were supportive.
Jana described efforts to establish a ticket (coupon) program that
would assist home owners dispose of green waste at a reduced cost. Directors were
Vicki explained that she had received a statement from Bill Wright
billing EDCFSC for $980.00 for services. However, he also stated that he would donate
the $980.00 back to the EDCFSC. Thank you Bill Wright!
Vicki passed around copies of EDCFSC Project Listing showing project,
date approved, funding, and code type. Included was funding sources. Listings indicate
magnitude of projects and use of funding.
Rich described his impressions of the WUI conference in Denver that
he, Vicki, and the Cave's attended. It was a very busy schedule with information and
presentations relating to fire safety and availability of combined services and resources.
Both Rich and Vicki indicated that attendance at the conference was beneficial and rewarding.
Vicki reported that the Fire Chief's have voted to support the 2004 El
Dorado County General Plan. They do not support the initiative. The EDCFSC has designated
a lot of time and efforts to assist in developing the General Plan during the past two
years. No vote of position by the Council was taken and the item was placed on the agenda
for 11-17-04 EDCFSC general meeting.
Vicki advised that she has not received any feed back from CDF or USFS
regarding the Wildfire Protection Plan. She suggests that 25 copies be made available for
distribution. Gene advised that maintenance of information may become a problem. Vicki will
make changes on some documents included within binders distributed to Directors with her
computer and e-mail. Maps will stay current. It is estimated that cost of reproducing
binders will be about $30 each. Motion was placed on floor to adopt the El Dorado
County Wildfire Protection Plan with changes and updates forth coming by Rich. Motion
seconded by Joan. Approved by all Directors present.
Vicki briefly presented information regarding current funding efforts.
Tom asked how many other counties have persons doing Vicki's work as county employees.
Vicki indicated "very few." Apparently funding is primarily being designated for prevention
rather that administrative services.
The next meeting of the EDCFSC Board of Directors will be January
19, 2005.
Submitted by Walt Tyler, Secretary EDCFSC