EDC Fire Safe Council Board of Directors Business Meeting
November 14, 2012
USFS Headquarters, 100 Forni Road, Placerville
(Check-in at USFS Reception Station is required)
10:00 am to 11:00 am
- Meeting Call to Order
- Roll Call: Please sign in
- Approval of the Agenda: November 14, 2012: Board Action Item
- Consent Agenda: Board Action Item
- Approve July 25, 2012, and October 24, 2012, Board Meeting Minutes
- Public Comment Time limit is 3 minutes per person. The Board will receive comments from the public regarding
items not on the agenda. Any action requiring Board intervention must first be on the agenda for board action, and no action can be taken at this
time. The only other time the public will be permitted to comment is prior to a vote on an action item listed in the agenda. That comment must
pertain to the subject to be voted on and is limited to 3 minutes.
- Information Items:
- Correspondence and Communication:
- Report from the Chair: Richard Krek
- Treasurer's Report: Ken Hasse
- Committee Reports:
- Governance: Ken Hasse
- Fundraising: Pat Dwyer
- PIT: Rich Krek/Cari DeWolf
- CWPP Update: Rich Krek
- Board Meeting Venue for 2013: Cari DeWolf
- Report from the Executive Coordinator: Cari DeWolf
- Director's Reports:
- Action Items
- Approval of EDCFSC Fundraising Strategy.
- Approval of EDCFSC Equipment Loan Policy
- Video Presentation of "Sparking a Change" by Ray Griffiths
- Good of the Order
Adjourn to January 23, 2013 - Happy Holidays