EDC Fire Safe Council Board of Directors Meeting
August 24, 2011
Gold Hill Station 27
10:00 am
- Meeting Call to Order
- Roll Call: Sign In
- Public Comment Time limit is 5 minutes per person. The Board will hear from the public regarding items not on the agenda. Any action requiring
Board intervention must first be on the agenda and no action can be taken at this time. The only other time the public will be permitted to comment is prior to a vote. That
comment must pertain to the subject to be voted on.
- Approval of Minutes: From July 27, 2011
- Approval of Agenda: August 24, 2011
- Correspondence or communications:
- Treasurer's Report: Ken Hasse
- Satellite Approval:
- Approval of satellite for Fairglade Area
- Approval of satellite for Fort Jim / So. Fork Weber
- Committee Reports:
- Finance
- Green Waste Voucher
- Public Outreach
- Governance
- New Business:
- RDC Letter for Office space
- Old Business:
- WUI Grants (discussion)
- Affiliate Agreement (discussion/action)
- Volcanoville CWPP (discussion/action)
- By-laws (discussion/action)
- Report from the Executive Coordinator: Cari DeWolf
- Directors Reports:
- Good of the Order
- FPO's Meeting
- Adjourn