Fire Safe Council General Meeting
July 28, 2010
11:00 am - 12:30 pm
Proposed BOD Agenda

  1. Introduction: Self introductions by attendees, distribute Sign-in sheet for attendees to confirm information is accurate
  2. Approval of Agenda
  3. Approval of Minutes of the June 23, 2010 EDCFSC Meeting
  4. Board of Directors report to include introduction of 2010/2011 BOD members- Ken Hasse
  5. Resource Advisory Committee (RAC) report of meeting on 5/21/10 from Rich Englefield
  6. Executive Coordinator's report
    1. Discuss updating EDCWPP Appendix M for use at the EDCFSC Strategic Planning Workshop 8/25/2010, 1 pm at the Training Room, Diamond Springs Fire Station, Vicki will email to all council members next week.
    2. Clearinghouse notified we did receive partial funding for 2011/2012 Residential Chipping program which includes funds for Green Waste Dumpsters.
    3. Report on WUI workshop - Linda Colombo
    4. Grant call out for Sierra Nevada Conservancy due mid-September
    5. Preparation for our 2009/2010 Single Point Audit and conversion of EDCFSC office and conference room at 3056 Hazel St. in Pollock Pines, will be performing internal audit first, complete taxes and then have audit.
    6. Clean-up project at Sciots Track, Highway 50, joint project with USFS, local HOA and hopefully American River Disposal. Hope to be a pilot for other clean-up efforts at track cabins on the forest.

  7. Agency Reports and Satellite FSC reports
  8. Open Forum
  9. Adjourn, next EDCFSC meeting August 25, 2010 at Diamond Springs, 1 pm. Agenda and other information to follow.