Fire Safe Council Board of Directors Annual Meeting
June 24, 2009
Gold Hill Fire Station, Noon - 2 pm
Proposed BOD Agenda
- Welcome - Board members introduction, guests
- Public Comment
- Approval of Agenda
- Approval of April 22, 2009 and May 27, 2009 minutes.
- Bylaw discussion regarding definition/qualifications/terms of current members of the Board of Directors,
the intent/purpose of amending the Bylaws in June 2008, and propose course of action to clarify status of current BOD members
and future BOD applicants
- 2009/2010 election of Directors
- Presentation of Nominating Committee slate of officers, open up for nominations from the floor, close
nominations - preparation of ballot, distribution to BOD members, announce results of election of officers for coming year
- Financial Report - distribute financial package for FY 2008/2009, July 1 2008 - May 31, 2009, review
of checks and deposits for this fiscal year, determine what reports and information BOD members would like to receive, BOD
role in financial management
- Executive Coordinator's Report
- Discussion of Penny Humphreys' suggestions for reallocation of Admin duties & responsibilities and Executive
Coordinator's scope of work - Review of Project Spreadsheet summary report, balance in grants, status of funding received and due, Title III update - Update and schedule of fuels projects: Grizzly Flat and Logtown
- Director Reports, if applicable
- Other Old Business
- New Business
- Adjourn, next meeting July 22, 2009 Gold Hill, time to be determined