Fire Safe Council Board of Directors Meeting
February 27, 2008
11 am - 12:30 pm
Proposed BOD Agenda
- Welcome - Board members introduction, guests
- Public Comment (limited to 5 minutes per speaker)
- Tom Schultz, representative of Sly Park Hills Area Fire Safe Council Executive Committee
- Enter into Closed Session to discuss legal, nonprofit corporation issues,
and contracted services/staffing for 2008 fiscal year
- Return to Open Session
- Approval of Agenda
- Approval of January 23, 2008 minutes
- Treasurer's Report - Submission of 2006/2007 tax return, distribute copies
- Update of website and monthly input from satellite councils - Rich Englefield
- Director's Reports-discussion on area specific issues and updates
- Executive Coordinator's Report
- Senior and Disabled Assistance Program and Residential Chipping Request for Proposals (RFPs),
bidders conference on 2/29/08 at Cal Fire Camino. proposals due on 3/14/08. Set up RFP review
committee meeting date, anticipated contract award first week in April - Summary of CAFSC Clearinghouse proposals submitted February 15, 2008, - Update on Title III 2008 proposals, schedule for funding recommendation due 1st week in March,
strategy for submission of El Dorado County Air Quality Management District RFP for 2008/2009 due
on 3/17/08 for Chipping Program and Green Waste Dumpsters, FSC Operations for 2008/2009 - Update on proposed amendment to Bylaws to include of Directors Term Limits and establishing
Procedures/Protocol for satellite FSC formation, set date for Directors workshop in April 2008 to
amend the Bylaws, distribution of binders containing draft "Smart Growth" concept paper, CAFSC
guidelines for forming Fire Safe Councils and other related documents - Attending the National Wildland Urban Interface Conference in Reno March 4 through 7, 2008 - Received notification of selection as Speaker/Presenter at the National FireWise Communities
USA Backyards and Beyond Conference in November 2008 in Orlando Florida, topic: Implementing CWPPs
- Old Business
- New Business
- Adjourn, next EDCFSC BOD meeting Wednesday March 26, 2008 at 11 am Gold Hill Fire Station