Fire Safe Council Board of Directors Meeting
November 14, 2007
11 am - 12:30 pm
Proposed BOD Agenda
- Welcome - Board members introduction, guests
- Public Comment
- Approval of Agenda
- Approval of October 24, 2007 minutes
- Treasurer's Report - no report for October, waiting for bank statement
- Proposed amendment to bylaws will be presented to the BOD upon receipt of Nonprofit Guidelines from Nolo Press. Pat Johnson has taken this on for action through EID. Discuss establishing procedures/protocol for satellite FSC formation, etc.
- Update of website and monthly input from satellite councils - Rich
- Approval of Appendix M 2007 update to EDCWPP
- Director's Reports-discussion on area specific issues and updates
- Executive Coordinator's Report
- Letter of support for Sly Park Hills FSC projects - Update on Title III reimbursements and contract modifications, meeting with Sue Hennike - Senior and Disabled Assistance Program starting up this month - CAFSC Clearinghouse grant call due 11/15/07, proposals due February 15, 2008, discuss EDCFSC proposals (Chipping, Senior Assistance & Grizzly fuel break) - Last year for Title III, grant call should be within the next month
- Other Old Business
- New Business - continue larger meeting facility discussion
- Adjourn until next year - January 23, 2008 Gathering of the Councils,
time and location to be determined. Happy Holidays one and all!