Fire Safe Council Board of Directors Meeting
October 24, 2007
Gold Hill Fire Station - 6051 Gold Hill Road, 11 am - 12 pm
Proposed BOD Agenda
- Welcome - Board members introduction, guests
- Public Comment - Sly Park Hills FSC report
- Approval of Agenda
- Approval of August 22, 2007 minutes (no Board meeting in September)
- Treasurer's Report
- Proposed amendment to bylaws will be presented to the BOD upon receipt of
Nonprofit Guidelines from Nolo Press. Pat Johnson has taken this on for action through EID.
- Director's Reports-discussion on area specific issues and updates
- Executive Coordinator's Report
- Update on Title III reimbursements and contract modification - Senior and Disabled Assistance Program funding received from BLM, waiting for Title III
Program Coordination funds to be transferred to FSC trust fund - Grizzly Flats projects update - Chipping Program update, delivered proposal for $150K to continue Green Waste Dumpster
and Chipping Programs to Supervisor Briggs on 9/26/07 - Biomass conference and status of contract with TSS Consultants
- Other Old Business
- New Business - larger meeting facility discussion?
- Adjourn, next meeting November 14, 2007 Gold Hill, 11:00 am.
(This will be the last FSCBOD meeting of the year, changed to the SECOND Wednesday
because of Thanksgiving falling on November 22nd.)