Fire Safe Council Board of Directors Meeting
July 25, 2007
Gold Hill Fire Station, 11 am - 12 pm
Proposed BOD Agenda
- Welcome - Board members introduction, guests
- Approval of Agenda
- Approval of June 27, 2007 minutes.
- Treasurer's Report
- Review of Financial Statements, year-end close out procedures
- Approval of Bill Robinson to serve as Chrome Ridge representative
on EDCFSC BOD & thank you to Penny Humphreys and Walt Tyler for their dedication as Officers
of BOD
- Proposed amendment to bylaws to eliminate term limits for
Directors/Officers - need to find out the correct procedure to amend the bylaws, who
receives copies. Secretary of State, IRS, etc. - request item be August BOD agenda, need
more information
- Director's Reports, this is an opportunity to discuss area specific
issues. Items identified before hand will be listed, but others may be introduced during
this time
- Rich Englefield: report on Joint Use Fire Station in Grizzly Flats, countywide
weed abatement ordnance
- Executive Coordinator's Report
- Update on projects and funding received - Senior Assistance funding document received, review draft job description for
Coordinator, call for qualified on-the-ground contractors - Review/approve proposed contract with Tad Mason, TSS Consultants, for Biomass
Feasibility Study - Re-order on car magnets, shirts and hats-who needs what - Grizzly Flats RFPs (Evacuation Clearing and Project Area #4 Shaded Fuel Break)
and environmental documentation
- Other Old Business
- New Business
- Adjourn, next meeting August 22, 2007 Gold Hill, 11:00 am.