April 25, 2007
1:00 p.m. - 3:00 p.m.

  1. Introduction: Self introductions by attendees, distribute Sign-in sheet
  2. Approval of Agenda
  3. Approval of Minutes of the February 28, 2007 (no March meeting), report on the March Inter-Agency conference in Rancho Cordova
  4. Report from Board of Directors' meeting - Penny Humphreys
  5. Distribution of Financial Reports - Joan Jennings
  6. Discussion of EDCFSC website, how to link current satellite Fire Safe Council information on a timely basis-goal is to make our site "the Fire Safe Place to Go" for EDC, who does what and when - Rich Englefield
  7. Agency and Community/Satellite FSC reports
  8. Executive Coordinator's report
      - Distribution of Project Status Summary Report-update on 2007 CA Clearinghouse proposals, CAL FIRE Prop 40 and other projects
      - Senior and Disabled Assistance program funded for 2007/2008-referrals through local Fire Districts, EDC Social Services, Community-Based organizations, who else could provide contacts? Residential Chipping Program up & on-line!
      - Spring Community Outreach events: Home and Garden Show (April 27-29), Wildfire Awareness Week Kick-Off at Cameron Part May 7th, Ag Day at the Fairgrounds for EDC 3rd grade students on May 10th, May 20th EDC Annual Garden Tour, other community fairs and events to be identified?

  9. Council Forum/Roundtable discussion
  10. Adjourn, next FSC meeting May 23rd, Gold Hill Fire Station, 1 pm