Fire Safe Council Board of Directors Meeting
October 25, 2006
Proposed BOD Agenda
- Welcome - Board members introduction, guests
- Approval of Agenda
- Approval of Minutes of September 27, 2006 BOD
- Treasurer's Report
- Review of Financial Statements - Do we want to do an Independent Audit for the past 2 years? Revisit
options after conversation with our Independent Auditor Jeannine Mays, CPA
- Executive Coordinator's Report
- Update of Strategic Planning Project Matrix to be presented for BOD and
FSC approval at the November 15th meeting-last call for projects - Update on projects and funding, CA Clearinghouse grants for 2007, CDF
input for their Community Assistance Grants (Prop 40), do we need a workshop in December? - Holiday party for Fire Safe Council set for the Pollock Pines-Camino
Community Center, Friday December 8th from 5:30 to 8:30. - Upcoming conference in Denver (11/2-4), distribute hard copy of
presentation for BOD, will post on internet - State FSC BOD attempting to define their role/relationship to local FSCs -
we need to do the same in EDC, good timing for all of us - 2007 Calendar distribution
- Other Old Business-do we need an item for Director's reports re
status, concerns, etc in their local communities? Items that need BOD discussion but
not duplicate reports at the council meeting.
- New Business
- Adjourn, next BOD meeting November 15, 2006 11 pm Gold Hill
Fire Station. Please note the change of date to the 3rd Wednesday instead of the
4th in November.