El Dorado County Fire Safe Council
Keep Cool-Pilot Hill Fire Safe!
The information and resources listed below are offered for the benefit of Cool-Pilot Hill Residents.
Learn about. . . .
El Dorado County Fire Safe Council is serious about Wildfire Protection and Fuel Reduction! Click on the link to view the Cool-Pilot Hill Fire Safe Fuel Mitigation Plan for 2016. Where are you?
You can also access information about Tree Mortality (El Dorado County) and Tree Mortality (State of California)
PG&E Resource: Your Trees and the Drought
Four years of drought conditions have caused many trees in our communities to die or become extremely unhealthy. Lack of water has weakened them, making them susceptible to disease and infestations of harmful insects such as bark beetles. These compromised trees are a hazard to people and property since they can fall on power lines and homes without warning and cause injuries, property damage, power outages and wildfires. To prevent such incidents, [PG&E has] increased tree inspections as well as tree pruning and removal. [PG&E is] also asking you to help by inspecting trees on your property and throughout your community.
What to do with your horses when wildfire is on its way!
Disasters and emergencies can happen at any time and they may require anything from a brief absence from your home to evacuation. The best thing you can do for yourself and your pets is to be prepared. Check out El Dorado County’s “Ready Pet Go” Website!
To help protect people and their property from potential catastrophic wildfire, the National Fire Plan directs funding to be provided for projects designed to reduce the fire risks to communities. A fundamental step in achieving this goal was the identification of communities that are at high risk of damage from wildfire. These high risk communities identified within the wildland-urban interface, the area where homes and wildlands intermix, were published in the Federal Register in 2001. At the request of Congress, the Federal Register notice only listed those communities neighboring federal lands. The list represents the collaborative work of the 50 states and five federal agencies using a standardized process, whereby states were asked to submit all communities within their borders that met the criteria of a structure at high risk from wildfire.
With California’s extensive urban Wildland-Urban Interface situation, the list of communities extends beyond just those adjacent to Federal lands. The California State Forester (CAL FIRE Director) has the responsibility for managing the list; view the “Communities At Risk” map for Northern California.
Jeff Tolson Shares “Tips” on Preparedness
Thinking Ahead is “Fire Safe Ready!”
At our recent CPHFSC “Ready” Event, Member and Retired Cool Fire Chief, Jeff Tolson, shared some Fire Safety Tips
Sometimes the smallest things we do can make the biggest difference: Both positive AND negative!
Register NOW for El Dorado County Sheriff’s Code Red Program
Registering your phone information with El Dorado County Sheriff’s Code Red is “Fire Safe Ready!” This link contains easy instructions to register your phone and/or e-mail with the Code Red System. You can also select to receive emergency and/or general notifications.
Registering for Code Red is Fire Safe Ready!
What about this “bark beetle?”
We are pleased to offer this informative Statement from Supervisor Ranalli on the Bark Beetle Infestation in California’s Forests.
Questions? For additional information check out the US Department of Agriculture informational website on Bark Beetles in California.
Protecting California’s Natural Resources is Fire Safe Ready!